
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boy1000cn
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【目的】总结本刊增设《编读往来》栏目的具体实践及对编辑、读者关系的思考,探讨编辑如何更好地为读者服务。【方法】借鉴国外知名综合性医学学术期刊在编读互动方面的优秀做法,介绍本刊增设《编读往来》栏目的具体做法及内容设置,并思考期刊编辑如何为读者更好的服务。【结果】《编读往来》栏目推出后,能引导读者迅速地获取感兴趣的论文全文。通过推出便捷的二维码推送阅读服务,让读者能方便地获取全文,进一步提升了编辑为读者服务的意识。【结论】增设《编读往来》栏目能一改综合性医学期刊的“呆板”脸孔,提高编辑为读者服务的意识,提升期刊的影响力。 【Objective】 To summarize the specific practice of “Encyclopedia of Reading Compilation” and its consideration of the relationship between editors and readers, and to explore how editors can better serve the readers. 【Method】 With reference to the excellent practices of well-known comprehensive medical academic periodicals in compiling and reading interactions, this paper introduces the specific practices and content settings of the compilation of “compilations” and considers how periodical editors can provide better services to readers. 【Results】 The “compilations” section was launched to guide readers to quickly obtain the full text of the papers of interest. Through the introduction of convenient two-dimensional code push reading services, so that readers can easily access the full text, to further enhance the editorial awareness of readers. 【Conclusion】 The addition of “compilations” can change the “dull” face of integrated medical journals, enhance the editors’ awareness of serving readers and enhance the influence of journals.
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