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  技巧一 加强时态检查抢分
  He’ll come before supper if he come at all. 他要是来,准在晚饭以前。
  其中if从句中的come用的是一般现在时,其用法并没有错,但其形式错了,因为当主语是第三人称单数时,其谓语动词也要用单数形式,即he come应改为he comes。
  Last Thursday,we have a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We come up with several choices such as going boating,climbing a mountain,and going to an amusement park. Finally,we’ve decided to go mountain climbing.
  The next day,we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain,we enjoy the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However,when we reached the top,we are shocked to see litter here and there,such as bottles and banana peels. Then we start to pick up the litter. Afterwards,we put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively.
  We are tired but happy.
  【分析】1. 第1句we have a class meeting...中的have应用一般过去时had,因为前面有表示过去的时间状语last Thursday。
  2. 第2句We come up with several choices...中的come应改为一般过去时came,因为此事也发生在last Thursday。
  3. 第1段最后一句Finally we’ve decided to go mountain climbing中的现在完成时应改为一般过去时,即改为Finally we decided...
  4. 第2段we enjoy the warm sunshine...中的enjoy应改为一般过去时enjoyed,因为这指的是“第二天(the next day)”发生的情况,故仍然要用一般过去时。
  5. 第2段we are shocked to see...中的are应改为were,因为这仍然是在讲第二天登山的情况。
  6. 第2段Then we start to pick up...中的start应改为started。
  7. 最后一段We are tired but happy中的are应改为were,因为是指当时很累和很高兴,而不是指现在很累和很高兴,故要用一般过去时。
  表示顺序的:first,secondly,thirdly,then,finally,at the same time,afterwards等;
  表示时间的:in the past,now,at present,in the future,soon after等;
  表示转折的:but,however,though,on the contrary,in the meanwhile,at the same time,instead,after all等;
  表示递进的:what’s more,besides,even,moreover,furthermore等;
  表示并列的:as well as,both...and,neither...nor,either...or等;
  表示因果的:because,as,now that,so,therefore等;
  表示列举的:for example,for instance,such as等;
  表示总结的:in a word,in all,in short,in brief,in general,in conclusion等;
  表示对比的:while,on one hand,on the other hand,in the same way等;
  表示程度的:first of all,above all,again and again等;
  表示强调的:indeed,certainly,of course,surely,above all等;
  表示让步的:even if,in spite of,even though等。
  1. 开门见山,直奔主题
  文章一开头就直接交代清楚文章的主题。如演讲稿Being a Good Listener的开头是:
  The topic of my speech today is“Being a Good Listener”.
  Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding,and improve interpersonal relationship.
  2. 倒叙结构,引起回忆
  利用倒叙的方式可以激起读者的好奇心,让读者跟着作者的回忆一步一步往下读。如题为 My Good Friend的开头是:
  On my table there is a beautiful clock,which is sent by my good friend Li Bin. It was three years ago when we were still junior middle school students.
  3. 说明情况,提示背景
  在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交代清楚。如Spring Outing的开头:
  Last Thursday,we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came up with several choices such as going boating,climbing a mountain,and going to an amusement park. Finally,we decided to go mountain climbing.
  4. 抒发情感,以情动人
  情感真挚的文字往往能够深深地打动读者,在写作中恰当抒发情感能够给文章起到锦上添花的作用。如My Mother的开头:
  I miss mother’s bringing me cups of milk at night. And I miss her mild smiles very much.
  5. 描写人物,先声夺人
  通过描写人物形象来吸引读者的眼球。如An Honorable Old Man的开头:
  An old man in shabby clothes came near towards the donation box and put 1,000 yuan into the box with big smiles.
  6. 格言谚语开头,增加说服力
  一般说来,格言谚语具有较高的“知名度”,同时也有较强的说服力,运用得当,可以充分展现作者的语言驾驭能力。如Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet的开头:
  Just as the saying goers,“No garden is without weeds”,the Internet has also some disadvantages.
  7. 巧用固定开头套语
  某些特定的文体往往有特定的开头套语,考生若能灵活套用,往往可以获得阅卷老师的认可并获得高分。如口语通知的常用套语:May I have your attention,please? / Attention please,everyone. I have an announcement to make. / Be quite. There is something important I have to tell you. / I have something (important) to tell you. / I’m glad to tell you something important. 等;又如书信的常用开头:Your letter came to me this morning. / I have received your letter of July the 20th. / I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday. / I’m writing to ask if you can come next week. / How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last. / Thank you for your letter. / In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)... / Let me tell you that...等,尤其是I’m writing to...这类开头,在许多情况下都可用得上,非常值得套用。
  8. 交代写作目的的开头
  在文章的一开头就交代写作目的,如文章要支持哪种观点或做法,批评或反对哪种观点或做法,或说明一个什么问题等。如Environmental Protection(环境保护)的开头:
  This essay is aiming to talk about something about how to protect environment.
  1. 呼应开头,浑然一体
  把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主旨,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如Smiling Toward Life的结尾:
  I often think of my father’s words “Don’t cry over spilt milk”. Setbacks don’t defeat me but make me stronger and stronger now. It is because I learn lessons from setbacks and improve myself all the time. It is smiling towards life that my father tells me.
  2. 总结全文,点明题旨
  在结尾处用概括性的话总结全文,卒章显志,篇尾点题。如An Unforgettable Football Match的结尾:
  The football match was over and our class failed. However,I was still very happy. It is through this football match that I know what team sprit is.
  3. 重复主题句,深化主题
  结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如A Beloved Traffic Policeman的结尾:
  The traffic policeman should be loved and respected by people. And I am moved by his strong sense of responsibility. Without his regular direction,there will be more traffic accidents on the roads.
  4. 水到渠成,自然收尾
  随着事情的发展或文章叙述的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如Flying a Kite的结尾:
  I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller. I was so glad that I learned how to fly a kite finally. At five o’ clock,we returned home very happily.
  5. 含蓄结尾,意味深长
  用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如An Unforgettable Experience的结尾:
  Dusk came toward us before we knew it. We finished the work and put the tools away. Everyone was tired but with big smiles on face.
  6. 名句结尾,画龙点睛
  在结尾适当引用名人名言或谚语,这不仅可以揭示中心思想,增强说服力,而且还能收到言简意赅、耐人寻味、画龙点睛的作用。如On Beauty一文的结尾:
  As the famous saying goes “Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. ” People won’t respect a person with beautiful appearance but without virtue.
  7. 巧用反问结尾,无声胜有声
  虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如 Protecting the Environment的结尾:
  Everyone has the duty to protect our environment. Don’t you agree with me?
  8. 展望未来,启人心迪
  结尾表示对将来的期望,或启迪读者,或鼓励读者投入行动。如The Hope Project的结尾:
  It is known to us that the Hope Project brings thousands of opportunities for children who are unable to receive education. They are in the same blue sky to enjoy the same air with us,and they also need love and concern from others like us. So we can join the Hope Project and try our best to help them.
  9. 祝愿结尾,以情感人
  在结尾处表达良好祝愿,极易打动阅卷老师的心。如Seeing a Friend Off的结尾:
  I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty getting there. I wish you a pleasant journey.
  格言警句精辟深邃,能阐发真理,启迪来者,陶冶性情,激励上进。考生若能在写作中恰当地用上一句格言或警句,一定会让阅卷者眼前一亮,获得高分也是理所当然的了。写作中引用格言、谚语或警句的常用句式为as the saying goes,there is a saying going like this等。如:
  There is a saying going like this:Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise. Early rising really does good to our life in many ways. 有句谚语是这样说的:“早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。”早起对我们的生活的确有多方面的益处。
  Just as a saying goes:“Only work no play makes Jack a dull boy. ” Playing with others can help us get rid of pressure and learn how to communicate with others. 正如有句谚语所说:“只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。”同其他人一起玩耍可以帮助我们解除压力,并学会与其他人沟通。
  有时我们也可不用as the saying goes这类表达引出格言或谚语,而是直接将其溶入到句子中。如英语有句谚语叫Beggars cannot be choosers,其意为“叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦”,我们可以这样套用:
  I would have preferred a bed,but beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa. 我本想要张床,但是叫花子不能挑肥拣瘦,所以我就睡在沙发上了。
  又如It never rains but it pours是大家都很熟悉的谚语,其意为“不雨则已,一雨倾盆”,也可译为“祸不单行”,请看下面这个套用该谚语的句子:
  First my car broke down,then I lost my key—it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障,接着又丢了钥匙,真是祸不单行!
  又如,英语谚语What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander的意思是“适用于一人,也一定适用于另一人”。请看下面这句:
  If you can arrive late then so can I:what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 你可以迟到,那我也可以晚来:一视同仁嘛!
  Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard. 他只有叫喊才能让别人听到他。(使用由“only 状语”引出的倒装句)
  Viewed from a distance,the island looked like a cloud. 从远处看,这座岛就像一朵云彩。(使用过去分词作状语)
  With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic. 因无人维持秩序,教室里一片混乱。(使用with引出复合结构)
  The monitor being ill,we had to put the meeting off. 班长病了,我们只好延期开会。(使用独立主格结构the monitor being ill)
  It is the protection for the trees that really matters,rather than how many trees are planted. 真正重要的在于对树木的保护,而不在于种了多少树。(使用了It is...that...强调句式)
  Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。(不仅使用了动名词作主语,而且还使用了whenever引导的让步状语从句)
  The factory,whose workers are all women,is closed for part of the school holidays. 这家工厂的工人全部是女工,在学校放假期间有部分时间关闭了。(使用了whose引导的定语从句)
  His love of literature was due to the fact that his mother read poetry to him when he was a child. 他对文学的爱好是由于他母亲从小就给他朗读诗歌的缘故。(使用了短语due to以及the fact that结构)
  Ask her if it is a convenient time. If not,can she suggest another possible time?问问她那个时间方便不方便。要是不方便,那她可不可以提出一个可行的时间? (使用if not省略结构)
  He may be busy. If so,I’ll call later. If not,can I see him now?他可能忙,如是这样,我以后再来拜访。他如不忙,我现在可以见他吗?(使用if so和if not省略结构)
  No sooner were the picnic baskets unpacked than it began to rain. 刚把野餐篮子里的东西拿出来,天就开始下雨了。(使用了no sooner...than句式以及倒装句式)
  (编辑 陈根花)
目的 了解感染科护理人员的焦虑、抑郁等心理情绪及其影响因素,为有针对性的制定相关政策提供依据.方法 采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对我院35名感染科护理人员
目的 分析护理干预在核磁共振增强扫描中的应用效果.方法 采取分组护理方式对我院2014年12月~2015年实施核磁共振增强扫描的86例患者进行观察分析,将其按照护理方法进行分组,
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructivesleapneahypopneasyndrome,OS AHS)系因夜间反复出现上呼吸道受阻致呼吸暂停,使患者长期处于慢性缺氧状态、反复觉醒、睡眠低氧血症及
摘 要 针对华电能源股份有限公司佳木斯热电厂电煤紧张的问题,积极进行主烧褐煤的研究和试验,在分析锅炉各种工况、各种掺烧比例的试验基础上,探索烟煤锅炉主烧褐煤掺烧的可行性和发展前景。  关键词 主烧褐煤;经济性  中图分类号:TK2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2014)14-0135-02  1 华电能源股份有限公司佳木斯热电厂锅炉现状  华电能源股份有限公司佳木斯热电厂锅炉为H
摘 要: 英语应用文写作是当今社会的必要技能之一,而中职生的英语写作水平普遍较低,学习积极性差,教学实践证明利用行为导向教学法可以提高中职生的英语应用文写作能力,可以塑造新型的师生关系,激发学生的写作兴趣。  关键词: 中职生 行为导向教学法 英语应用文写作教学    1.引言  英语听、说、读、写四种基本能力中,写作能力极为重要。通过写作,英语知识可以不断得到巩固并内在化,有利于英语技能的全面发