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第一章总则第一条为加强社会主义民主和法制建设,认真办好人大代表建议、批评、意见(简称建议)和政协委员提案,根据《地方组织法))和《国务院关于认真办理全国人民代表大会代表提案的通知》,结合我省实际,特制定本办法。第二条本办法适用的办理人大代表建议和政协委员提案的范围是: (一)县级以上地方各级人大代表向本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会提出的与政府工作有关的建议; (二)县级以上地方各级人民代表大会主席团审议决定作为建议处理的与政府工作有关的议案; (三)地方各级政协委员在政协全体会议或常委会期间以及闭会期间提出的与政府工作有关的提案; (四)全国人大常委会办公厅交办的全国人大代表的建议; (五)全国政协办公厅交办的全国政协委员的提案; (六)国务院各部门交办的建议、提案。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to strengthen the building of socialist democracy and the rule of law, conscientiously and properly handle the suggestions, criticisms and suggestions of the deputies (suggestions) and the CPPCC members’ proposals on the basis of the “Local Organization Law”) and the “Statement of the State Council on Earnestly Handling the National People’s Representative Congress on the proposal notice ”, combined with the actual situation in our province, specially formulated this approach. Article 2 The scope for handling the proposals of NPC deputies and CPPCC members for application of these measures is: (1) Suggestions on the work of the government made by the NPC deputies at all levels above the county level and their standing committees; (2) Proposals of the Bureau of Local People’s Congresses at or above the county level for deliberation and decision regarding the work of the government which are decided to be dealt with as recommendations; (3) Proposals submitted by local CPPCC members at various levels during the plenary session or the Standing Committee of the CPPCC and during the intersessional period concerning government work (4) Proposals of NPC deputies assigned by the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee; (5) Proposals submitted by CPPCC National Committee members for office; (6) Proposals and proposals handed over by the various departments under the State Council.
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吉林省人民政府令第116号《吉林省小煤矿安全生产管理若干规定》已经2000年5月16日省政府第33次常务会议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。省长洪虎二○○○年六月四日 Jil