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最大限度地发挥牲畜粪肥和无机肥的效益是经济上和环境上所期望的。已经发现在牧草生产中,奶牛厩液的氮肥有效成分变化很大。在牧草生长季节厩液的氮肥有效成分可变性可能是由于通过挥发或反硝化作用使氮受损失。反硝化作用是在无机氮肥和家畜厩液使用后发现的。当含硝酸盐土壤温度大于8℃时,厌氧微生物的小区扩展,反硝化作 The benefits of maximizing livestock manure and inorganic fertilizers are economically and environmentally desirable. It has been found that the effective components of nitrogenous fertilizer in dairy cattle manure vary greatly in pasture production. The variability in the active nitrogen of the manure during the forage growing season may be due to the loss of nitrogen through volatilization or denitrification. Denitrification is found after the use of inorganic nitrogen and livestock stables. When the nitrate-containing soil temperature is greater than 8 ℃, anaerobic microbial community expansion, denitrification
A novel, reactive amide-bridged ladder polyvinylsiloxane (abbr. LP) with Mn = 2.4×104 was synthesized for the first time by means of aryl amide H-bonding self-
自从计算机走进高中生的课堂,在短短的十多年里,学习的内容、课程的性质,甚至学科的名称都发生了很大的变化,这一切都归因于信息技术的迅速普及。总结几年来计算机教学的得与失,我认为在平时的计算机教学中应注意以下几点:  1.明了信息技术教育课的内容,把握好教学方向  信息技术教育的发展和普及,重在培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识,让学生了解和掌握信息技术基本知识和技能,了解信息技术的发展及其应用对人类日常
With high content of the Al13 species and the active chloride, an electrochemically prepared polyaluminum chloride (E-PACl) presents integrated efficiency of co
Two zinc(II) compounds, [Zn(L)(H2O)2]n 1 and [Zn(4,4-bpy)(H2O)4](L) 2 (H2L = trans,trans-1,3 butadiene 1,4-dicarboxylic acid), were synthesized by hydrothermal
第一章 总则 第一条 中国农业工程学会是中国共产党领导下的,由从事农业工程事业的科学技术工作者和热心本学科工作的领导干部自愿结合组织起来的学术性群众团体,是党联系广
第一期旋转弹丸外弹道自转角速度衰减规律半经验公式王雨时 ( 1 )………………………………………………………………迫击炮弹外弹道辨识方法高 敏 张 强 ( 7)……………
A novel mimic was synthesized by modifying hyaluronic acid (HA) with tellurium,whose function is similar to that of glutathione peroxidase (GPX). The structure