Effects of boron number per unit volume on the shielding properties of composites made with boron or

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csincis
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The total macroscopic removal cross sections,deposited energies and the absorbed doses of three new shielding composites loaded with specific boron-rich slag,boron concentrate ore and boron mud of China for ~(252)Cf neutron source were investigated by experimental and Monte Carlo calculation.The results were evaluated by boron mole numbers per unit volume in composites.The half value layers of the composites were calculated and compared with that of Portland concrete,indicating that ascending boron mole numbers per unit volume in the composites can enhance the shielding properties of the composites for ~(252)Cf neutron source. The total macroscopic removal cross sections, deposited energies and the absorbed doses of three new shielding composites loaded with specific boron-rich slag, boron concentrate ore and boron mud of China for ~ (252) Cf neutron source were investigated by experimental and Monte Carlo calculation The results were evaluated by boron mole numbers per unit volume in composites. The half value layers of the composites were calculated and compared with that of Portland concrete, indicating that ascending boron mole numbers per unit volume in the composites can enhance the shielding properties of the composites for ~ (252) Cf neutron source.
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