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由中国农科院植保所和北京军区红旗生物激素厂合作研制的灭铃灵,已鉴定登记,投入批量生产。该产品对抗性棉铃虫具有特效,并可兼治棉蚜和棉红蜘蛛。试验结果表明,灭铃灵防治棉铃虫效果达97%以上,优于灭多威、功夫等农药,颇受棉农欢迎。灭铃灵的作用特点:①杀卵作用强。②高效。对棉铃虫低龄幼虫防效达100%,对高龄幼虫防效亦在95%以上。特别对抗性棉铃虫有特效。③具有胃毒、内吸、触杀作用,残效时间长达5—6天。凡使用灭铃灵的棉田,不仅用药次数减少2—3次,亩用药成本降低50%,而 By the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Plant Protection and the Beijing Military Region Hongqi biohormone plant developed in collaboration Ling Ling, has been identified registered, put into mass production. The product has the special effects of the resistant cotton bollworm, and can cure both the cotton aphid and the cotton spider. The test results show that the effect of control and bollworm bollworm control effect of more than 97%, better than methomyl, kung fu and other pesticides, popular cotton farmers welcome. The role of bell Ling Features: ① ovulation strong role. ② efficient. The control effect on the lower larvae of cotton bollworm reaches 100%, and the control effect on the older larvae is over 95%. Special antagonistic bollworm have special effects. ③ with stomach poisoning, absorption, contact effect, residual time up to 5-6 days. Where the use of Ling Ling Ling cotton, not only reduced the frequency of medication 2-3 times, 50% lower drug costs, and
社交媒体让老式好莱坞演出场所重新流行。The Roxy剧院成立于1973年,其后近二十年里一度统治了好莱坞的日落大道。虽然这里只能容纳500人,人们蜂拥而至来观看约翰·列侬(John
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危害温室韭菜、蒜苗的根蛆主要是葱蝇,它是寡食性害虫,以危害韭菜、蒜和葱类为主。其防治方法是: 1、在温室的韭菜、蒜苗生育期内,初期发现有根蛆危害,可用80%的敌敌畏乳油12
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麦蛾、玉米象是我县农村贮粮中危害最为严重的害虫。据1987年抽样调查,平均受害粒率为7.40%,重量损失率为6.04%,年损失粮食在600万公斤以上。 1984年以来我们应用沈阳农药厂生
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