
来源 :广州中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulisheng
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运用单向混合淋巴细胞培养的方法分别检测了10例习惯性流产史船娠夫妇间、流产史孕妇和无关第三者(男性)间及9例正常妊娠夫妇间的HLA-D抗原的相容性。结果发现流产史夫妇间的HLA-D抗原相容性大于流产史孕妇和无关第三者(男性)之间及正常夫妇间的HLA-D抗原相容性(P<0.01)。提示夫妇间的HLA-D抗原相容性增大可能是导致习惯性流产的原因之一。同时,在反应体系中分别加入不同孕妇血浆以观察其对单向混合淋巴细胞培养(单向MLC)的影响时发现,流产史孕妇血浆对单向MLC不仅无抑制作用,反而有刺激作用,而正常孕妇血浆对单向MLC有抑制作用。推测正常孕妇血浆中存在特异和/或非特异的封闭因子,而流产史孕妇血浆中缺乏特异和/或非特异的封闭因子。 One-way mixed lymphocyte culture was used to detect the compatibility of HLA-D antigens between 10 couples with history of abortion, between abortion history and unrelated third parties (males) and 9 normal pregnancy couples Sex. The results showed that HLA-D antigen compatibility between couples with miscarriage history was greater than HLA-D antigen compatibility (P <0.01) between miscarriage history women and unrelated third parties (men) and normal couples. Suggesting that increased compatibility of HLA-D antigen among couples may be one of the reasons leading to habitual abortion. In the meantime, different maternal plasma were added to the reaction system to observe its effect on unidirectional mixed lymphocyte culture (unidirectional MLC) .It was found that the maternal history of abortion did not inhibit unidirectional MLC, but stimulated Normal pregnant women plasma unidirectional MLC inhibitory effect. It is speculated that there is a specific and / or nonspecific blocker in the plasma of normal pregnant women, whereas maternal abortion does not have specific and / or nonspecific blockers in abortion history.
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江苏经典民歌《好一朵茉莉花》的发源地——金牛湖国家水利风景区位于南京市六合区东北部,东邻历史名城扬州,北与安徽省天长市接壤。距南京市、淮安市约50公里,距六合 Jiang
一、羊水粪染的形成:足月新生儿胎粪粘稠呈墨绿至黑色,其中含皮肤及消化道的上皮细胞、毳毛、胎儿皮脂等.每克湿重胎粪含1mg 胆红质,足月胎儿肠道大约积存200~600g 胎粪,由此
本文用B 超对胎龄20~41周的150例正常胎儿肾脏作了观察,测量肾纵径和前后径的大小,观察胎儿的肾脏发育及其大小与胎龄、性别、双顶径的关系.结果显示:胎儿肾脏纵径和前后径均
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