
来源 :检验医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Melanzpl2
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简介上海市临床检验中心是上海市卫生局授权开展全市医疗机构临床实验室质量监管、指导和服务的技术支撑单位,前身是始建于1871年的公共租界工部局小型卫生试验室。1926年成为上海市公所卫生试验所(后更名为上海市卫生局卫生试验所)。1953年在食品卫生检验和药品检验的基础上分别发展成为上海市卫生防疫站和上海市药品检验所,生物制品检验业务则并入上海生物制品研究所。1954年1月将医学检验部分与数家私人化验所合并,成立上海 Brief Introduction Shanghai Clinical Laboratory Center is a technical support unit authorized by the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau to conduct quality supervision, guidance and service in clinical laboratories of medical institutions throughout the city. The predecessor of the Shanghai Municipal Clinical Laboratory Center was the Small Hygienic Laboratory of the Public Works Bureau of the Ministry of Public Conciliation founded in 1871. 1926 Shanghai Public Health Institute (later renamed the Shanghai Health Bureau Health Laboratory). In 1953, on the basis of food hygiene inspection and drug inspection, they were respectively developed into the Shanghai Health and Epidemic Prevention Station and the Shanghai Drug Inspection Station. The biological product inspection business was incorporated into the Shanghai Institute of Biological Products. In January 1954, the medical examination part was merged with several private laboratories to set up Shanghai
道是,躲开人,躲开世界,躲到极时,你就是输家。所以,我以为清静足供心灵的喘息即可,否则便会“反动”。  每个人都会经历苦难,就看你如何排解。假使一个人静多动少,因为沉闷,心底的痛,一点一点去逼迫身体,这是非常危险的。特别是艺术气质浓厚的人,内心细腻、敏感,如遇身心大挫折或心绪盘结,就会激烈地产生“不如乘风归去”的念头。获得诺贝尔文学奖的日本文学家川端康成,因孤独忧郁、深患失眠,无法排解,73岁于新
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临床分析与鉴别1 本例临床特点:1.1为一12岁男孩,发病半年,慢性经过,给一般治疗病情可缓解。1.2反复头痛、头昏、腹痛,剧烈腹痛后抽搐,神志不清,经抢救治疗后神清,无脑膜刺
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