大局 科学 精细 廉明——财政精神再提炼

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关于财政精神,笔者已撰文刊发在近期出版的《财务与会计》(理财版)上,文中提出的财政精神表述语为:使命奉献、务实严谨、创新高效、服务廉明。近些天又对此做了进一步的思考,觉得上述四句、十六字虽然含义丰富,能大体体现对财政优良传统的继承和时代精神的 With regard to the financial spirit, the author has published in the recently published “Finance and Accounting” (Money Management Edition). The financial spirit expressed in the paper is as follows: Mission Dedication, Pragmaticism, Innovation and Efficiency, and Service Effort. In recent days, I further thought about it. I think the above four sentences and the sixteen words, though rich in meaning, can generally reflect the inheritance of fine tradition of finance and the spirit of the times
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Q: 自梦娜斯庄园迎客以来,您想传播给游客或酒客们怎样一个标志性的文化符号?仅仅是传承酒文化?或是人文礼仪文化?  A:这是一个倡导健康品质生活的庄园,也是一个文化创意平台,它传达的不仅仅是一个文化符号,我们致力于为国人寻找健康的放心酒,亦是年轻人创梦的大舞台。梦娜斯庄园依托浙江的人文文化,成功塑造了一张当地的名片,实现保护生态,传播地方性的民俗文化。  Q:来自世界不同产区的葡萄酒都进入的中国市
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Aim:To determine whether ONO-1078 (pranlukast),a potent cysteinyl leukotrienereceptor 1 (CysLTI) antagonist,has an effect on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induce
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流行性腮腺炎并发多发性神经根炎少见,迄今国内仅报道5例,我科收治1例报告如下。女,3.5岁,因两腮肿胀6d、四肢进行性无力、活动受限4d 主诉于1985年9月3日入院。入院前6d 突