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第二部分 实现四个现代化的指导思想和基本政策 15.为什么只有解放思想、实事求是,我们的社会主义现代化建设才能顺利实现? 答:解放思想是当前的一个重大政治问题。邓小平同志指出:“只有思想解放了,我们才能正确地以马克思主义、毛泽东思想为指导,解决过去遗留的问题,解决新出现的一系列问题,正确地改革同生产力迅速发展不相适应的生产关系和上层建筑,根据我国的实际情况,确定实现四个现代化的具体道路、方针、方法和措施。”可见,实现全党工作重点的转移,首先是思想转变。但是,由于林彪、“四人帮”的干扰和破坏,在我们干部特别是领导干部中间,解放思想这个问题并没有完全解决,不少同志的思想还处在僵化或半僵化的状态,同我们实现历史性的伟大转折的需要极不适应,同建设四化的社会主义强国形成尖锐的矛盾。因此,不打破思想僵化,四个现代化就没有希望。 Part Two: Realizing the Four Modernizations: Guiding Ideology and Basic Policies 15. Why is it that only by emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts can our socialist modernization proceed smoothly? Answer: Emancipating the mind is a major political issue at present. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “Only with the liberation of our minds can we, under the guidance of Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, correctly solve the problems left over by the past, solve a series of emerging problems and correctly reform the incompatible production relations with the rapid development of productive forces And the superstructure, and according to the actual situation in our country, identify the specific roads, guidelines, methods and measures for the realization of the four modernizations. ”Therefore, the shift in the focus of the work of the entire party is first of all a shift in thinking. However, due to the interference and destruction of Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” the issue of emancipating the mind among our cadres, especially the leading cadres, has not been completely solved. Many comrades are still in a rigid or semi-rigid state of thought and realize the history with us The need for a great turning point in sex is extremely incommensurate, forming sharp conflicts with the socialist power that has built the four modernizations. Therefore, without breaking the rigid ideology, there will be no hope for the four modernizations.
范某,男,45岁,农民。因口腔颊侧发痒,有异物移动感,用针挑出线样1厘米长乳白色小虫1条。2个月内在口腔颊侧、齿龈、上腭、口唇等处粘膜下用 Fan, male, 45 years old, farm
近年来,从流行歌曲、美国大片中, 人们对“寒武纪”、“侏罗纪”、“白垩纪”、“第四纪”这样的词比较熟悉了, 但是这些名词是如何来的恐怕很多人都不那么清楚。我们通常是
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