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高一百八十五点八厘米,宽一百零六点八厘米台北故宫博物院藏传荆浩《匡庐肉》绢本设色荆浩,字浩然,号洪谷子。河南沁水人,一说河内人,业儒,博通经史,逄唐末之乱而隐居太行山之洪谷,躬耕以食,诗画自适,他摒弃功名富贵之类的杂欲,毕生致力于山水画的创作和研究,针对当时北方山水画重笔见骨而南方山水画重墨多肉的不同特点,创造性地将笔与墨有机地结合起来,从而在根本上解决了山水画自产生以来表现技法上的最大难题。正是在荆浩的水墨山水画新格影响下,关仝、李成、范宽继踵而起,形成了五代北宋山水画的鼎盛局面,现藏台北故宫博物馆院的《匡庐图》,尽管不能肯定是荆浩真迹,却颇富彼时气象,令人遥想其道夫先路之功。 Height: 185.8 centimeters and width: 106.8 centimeters Taipei National Palace Museum Tibetan Jing Hao “Kuang Lu meat” silk The color Jing Hao, the word Hao Ran, number Hong millet. Henan Qinshui people, one said that people in Hanoi, industry Confucianism, Broadcom by the history, the late Tang chaos seclusion and Hong Valley in the Taihang Mountains, Gonggeng to food, poetry and painting self-adaptive, Devoted to the creation and research of landscape painting, aiming at the different characteristics of the Northern landscape painting and the southern landscape painting heavy ink and meat at that time, creatively combining the pen and ink organically, thus fundamentally solving the performance technique of landscape painting The biggest problem. It is precisely under the influence of Jing Hao’s ink-and-water landscape paintings that Guan Tong, Li Cheng and Fan Kuanji have formed one after another to form the “Five Dynasties Northern Song Dynasty Landscape Painting Prosperous Situation” Definitely Jing Hao authentic, but quite rich weather, it is reminiscent of its success as a pioneer.