55年前,东西柏林政治分界线的位置上竖起了一道高墙。28年后,随着这面被铁丝网缠绕、全长155公里的墙被拆除殆尽,那道横亘在战后时代的铁幕亦缓缓拉开,东德与西德合一,迷雾渐散,柏林城踏过旧时代的灰霾与阴云,一步步走向新生。而随之新生的,还有出生于新时代的儿童。如今,他们是柏林的新青年,新锐之子。他们轻轻叩动那些看似摇摇欲坠的回忆档案,却将更多热情奉给嘻哈与涂鸦。肆意飞扬的青春每每厌恨一切桎梏,他们自然如是。i Phone在手,他们匆忙踏着夜色行过,兜
Fifty-five years ago, a high wall was erected on the political demarcation line between Berlin and Berlin. Twenty-eight years later, as the surface was covered with barbed wire, a total length of 155 kilometers of walls was removed and the iron curtain that lay in the postwar era slowly pulled open. The East Germany merged with West Germany, and the fog gradually dispersed , Berlin City, riding the haze and dark clouds of the old era, a step by step toward new life. With the newborn, there are children born in a new era. Now, they are the new youth in Berlin, a new son. They gently tap the seemingly crumbling memories of the file, but will be more dedicated to hip-hop and graffiti. Wanton flying youth often hate everything, they naturally. i Phone in hand, they hurried marching night, pocket