加强协调 共同克服“办案难”

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俗话说 ,“家家有本难念的经” ,而作为检察院的“一家之长”的检察长却有着三本“难念的经”———案子难办 ,队伍难带 ,经费难筹。各地有各地的特点 ,因而各院有各院的难处 ,各人也有各人解决困难的高招。本期选登了三位基层院检察长解决这“三难”的一些体会 ,希望他们的做法对大家能有所启发。如您有更好的主意 ,也请您来信告诉我们。本栏近期关注的话题 :1.公诉工作是检察工作的一个窗口 ,主诉检察官制度又是去年以来检察改革的重点 ,您对加强公诉工作有何高见 ?2 .许多检察院都反映 ,法纪检察工作难度较大 ,您对加强法纪检察工作有何高招 ?3 .经费困难现在是困扰检察工作的一大难题 ,您是怎样认识和解决这个难题的 ?4 .检察机关在刑事诉讼中的职权有侦查权、批准逮捕权和公诉权 ,对于检察机关自行侦查的案件来讲 ,如何处理侦、捕、诉三者的关系 ?我们欢迎您就以上问题发表自己的见解 ,也欢迎您就所关心的其他问题撰文并惠赐大作。 As the saying goes, “every family has this book”, while the prosecutor as the “head of the procuratorate” has three “difficult to read” - the difficult case, the team is hard to find, difficult to finance . All localities and regions have their own characteristics. As a result, the courts have the difficulties of the courts and everyone has their own brilliant solution to the difficulties. In this issue, three grassroots Attorney Generals have been selected to solve some of these “three difficulties” experiences, hoping their practice will inspire everyone. If you have a better idea, please also let us know by letter. Recent topics of concern in this column: 1. Public Prosecution is a window of the procuratorial work, prosecutors prosecution system is the focus of prosecution reform since last year, what are your opinions on strengthening the prosecution? 2 Many prosecutors have reflected that law and discipline procuratorial work Difficulties, you have to strengthen law and discipline procuratorial work What are the tricks? 3. Difficulties in funding is now plagued procuratorial work a major problem, how do you know and solve this problem? 4. Procuratorial authorities in the criminal prosecution of the investigation Right to approve the right of arrest and public prosecution, the procuratorial organs on their own investigation of the case, how to deal with reconnaissance, arrest, v. The relationship between the three? We welcome you to express your views on the above issues, and you are welcome to other interested Questions written and generous gift.
—1—  “听说高一这次来了很多转校生啊……”  “是啊,我昨天和朋友去打探了下,有几个体育特长生长得蛮帅的呢。”  “我也看到了,还有几个成绩超好的,家里也有钱。”  “也不是哦……有一个是从乡下来的,不是一般的乡下,据说是很穷很穷的地方……”  旁边女生的对话进行到这里,邱涵像是敏锐地捕捉到什么似得从堆成山的辅导书里抬起了头,但并没有人注意到她的举动。讨论依旧在继续。  邱涵合上书,本想不引起
诉讼费用分为四种: 一、当事人进行民事、经济、海事和行政诉讼,应当向人民法院交纳的案件受理费。当事人依法复制本案庭审材料和法律文书。 二、财产案件当事人应当支付的
提起美国电视剧《神探亨特》 ,中国老百姓至今仍记忆犹新。智勇双全的主人公一边自报家门 ,一边干净利索地将凶疑铐住 ,像背课文似的流利地说出一长串“口诀” :“你有权保持