A New Sapeornithid Bird from China and Its Implication for Early Avian Evolution

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyc56
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Recent discoveries of basal birds have greatly improved our understanding of early bird evolution,yet the evolution of several important features such as cranial kinesis and arboreality remain debated.A new sapeornithid bird,Shenshiornis primita gen.et sp.nov.,based on an articulated skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning,China,sheds new light on these issues.Shenshiornis possesses a skull as primitive as or even more primitive than that of Archaeopteryx and hind limbs modified for an improved arboreal capability.A cladistic analysis shows that:1) presence of a diapsid skull is a plesiomorphy of the Aves and a kinetic skull evolved incrementally later in avian evolution;and 2) cursorial capability significantly weakens at the base of the Pygostylia due to a change in locomotor system. Recent discoveries of basal birds have greatly improved our understanding of early bird evolution, yet the evolution of several important features such as cranial kinesis and arboreality remain debated. A new sapeornithid bird, Shenshiornis primita gen.et sp.nov., Based on an articulated skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning, China, sheds new light on these issues .henshiornis possesses a skull as primitive as or even more primitive than that of Archaeopteryx and hind limbs modified for an improved arboreal capability. A cladistic analysis shows that : 1) presence of a diapsid skull is a plesiomorphy of the Aves and a kinetic skull evolved incrementally later in avian evolution; and 2) cursorial capability significantly weakens at the base of the Pygostylia due to a change in locomotor system.
1996 年10 月, 海天出版社推出一部长篇小说, 书名曰《花季·雨季》。这部小说一问世, 立即在青少年中引起强烈反响。有的说它是“青春的宣言”, 有的说它是“青春诗歌”, 有的说它是“
恋爱总会让人变的笨笨的?到底智商会低到什么程度呢?来测试一下吧。   如果你是卖衣服的路边摊贩,碰到下雨天你会怎么办?   A.干脆休息一天   B.在家网拍   C.继续卖,加油赚     选择A:一谈恋爱你就变成十岁左右的幼稚小学生。谈恋爱就变幼稚的你,脑袋只剩下天真与单纯的想法,小心上当!这类型的人谈了恋爱之后就换了一个脑袋,所有的想法、理性以及专业完全都忘光光,马上就变成天真可爱的小学生,
读者:  我鼓起了好大勇气才写这封信,因为我曾扮演过大家所不齿的角色——小三。24岁时,我认识了35岁的他,半年之后,他开始跟妻子提离婚的事,可他妻子就是不离,甚至还用自杀来威胁他。  这期间,他妻子来闹过,场面很惨,但他妻子越闹我就越不肯跟他分手。他好像对妻子也死了心,索性搬出来和我同居了。我当时想,我们真心相爱,先就这么过几年,等他妻子熬不住了,肯定会答应离婚的。  可是。我们一同居就是6年,
毕业至今已经四年有余,四年的职场生涯,有苦有甜有笑也有泪,今日有幸借此活动,把自己的一点遭遇一点故事讲给应届的毕业生们,希望各位能够借鉴一二。 It has been more than