P-T stability conditions of methane hydrate in sediment from South China Sea

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyilin183
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For reasonable assessment and safe exploitation of marine gas hydrate resource, it is important to determine the stability conditions of gas hydrates in marine sediment. In this paper, the seafloor water sample and sediment sample (saturated with pore water) from Shenhu Area of South China Sea were used to synthesize methane hydrates, and the stability conditions of methane hydrates were investigated by multi-step heating dissociation method. Preliminary experimental results show that the dissociation temperature of methane hydrate both in seafloor water and marine sediment, under any given pressure, is depressed by approximately -1.4 K relative to the pure water system. This phenomenon indicates that hydrate stability in marine sediment is mainly affected by pore water ions. For reasonable assessment and safe exploitation of marine gas hydrate resource, it is important to determine the stability conditions of gas hydrates in marine sediment. In this paper, the seafloor water sample and sediment sample (saturated with pore water) from Shenhu Area of ​​South China Preliminary results report that the dissociation temperature of methane hydrate both in seafloor water and marine sediment, under any given pressure, is depressed by approximately -1.4 K relative to the pure water system. This phenomenon indicates that hydrate stability in marine sediment is mainly affected by pore water ions.
与南水北调、开采地下水相比,海水淡化产业有着诸多优势。  我国淡水资源贫乏,随着城市化、工业化的快速发展,水资源供需矛盾进一步加剧。全国政协委员、国家开发投资公司董事长王会生建议,从国家战略安全的角度,加快推动海水淡化规模化、产业化发展。近日,本刊记者对王会生委员进行了专访。海水淡化已成国际发展趋势  《国企》:作为全国政协委员和中央企业负责人,在这次两会上,您主要关注哪些问题?  王会生:我已经
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