Space experimental device on Marangoni drop migrations of large Reynolds numbers

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:compasion
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The space experimental device for testing the Marangoni drop migrations has been discussed in the present paper. The experiment is one of the spaceship projects of China, In comparison with similar devices, it has the ability of completing all the scientific experiments by both auto controlling and telescience methods. It not only can perform drop migration experiments of large Reynolds numbers but also has an equi-thick interferential system. The space experimental device for testing the Marangoni drop migrations has been discussed in the present paper. The experiment is one of the spaceship projects of China, In comparison with similar devices, it has the ability of completing all the scientific experiments by both auto controlling and telescience methods. It not only can perform drop migration experiments of large Reynolds numbers but also has equi-thick interferential system.
日本经济产业省 2 0 0 1年度开始研制利用人造卫星进行太阳能发电。其设想为 ,在高 36× 1 0 6m的静止轨道发射一枚卫星 ,在卫星两翼安装宽 1 0 0 0 m、长 30 0 0 m的太阳能
美国空军目前在执行一个称为 C— 5系统升级与发动机更换计划 (RERP),预计今年一季度开始执行。这项升级计划不仅要替换运输机的动力系统,也将要升级近 80种机上次要的系统及零
日本标准时间 8月 2 9日 16时整 (北京时间 2 9日 15时 ) ,日本宇宙开发事业团研制的首枚 H- 2 A运载火箭在种子岛航天发射中心发射成功。H- 2 A火箭是继 H- 2火箭之后 ,由日
北京工业大学研发的“大功率激光三维制造技术”通过了专家鉴定。专家认为,该项研究成果达到了国际领先水平。该成果包括:   1.在国际上首次提出基于附加相移的大功率 CO2混
我是一名中学生,我的家乡在陕西府谷县的一个小村庄。首都北京一直是我向往的地方,我从小就渴望能去北京。然而,有一个消息传入了我的耳朵,有机会去北京参加夏令营活动了, I