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我国与WTO的20多个协议和协定都是规范政府行为的。加入WTO,无论对行政机关还是行政工作人员,从思想意识到工作方式都是一个全面的挑战。政府机关要彻底改变过去的衙门式管理,变为依法行政、主动服务。为此,应当采取以下几方面的对策:政府机关公务员要转变官本位的观念。政府的权力来自于人民,各级公务员应牢固树立为人民服务的观念,当好人民公仆。现代法治社会的政府行政管理既是一种权力,更是一种义务,这种义务更多体现出服务的性质。政府本质上是为公民服务的公共机构,它时刻都要在法律范围内活动,时刻受到人民的监督。越权即违法, More than 20 agreements and agreements between China and the WTO regulate the behavior of the government. Accession to the WTO, both for the executive authorities and administrative staff, is an all-round challenge from ideology to working methods. Government agencies should completely change the past yamen-style administration and become law-based administration and take the initiative to serve. Therefore, we should adopt the following countermeasures: the concept that civil servants in government agencies should change official status. The power of the government comes from the people. Civil servants at all levels should firmly establish the concept of serving the people and be good public servants. The government administration in modern rule of law society is not only a kind of power, but also an obligation, which more reflects the nature of service. The government is essentially a public institution that serves citizens. It always operates within the law and is always supervised by the people. Violating the law is illegal
美海军最近提出要用多用途海上飞机(MMA)取代EP - 3E和P - 3C海上巡罗机 ,用于执行武装的情报、监视和侦察 (ISR)任务 ,以及反潜战 (ASW )和反舰战 (ASUW :Anti -surfaceWarfare)任务。此项工作由海航系统司令部(NAVAIRSYSCOM
本文介绍了一种基于实时数据采集的导航设备监控系统的方法,并论述了基于直接电缆连接方式下在VisualC++6.0环境中直接操作串行口进行串行通信的具体实现。 This paper intr
介绍了二院某重点型号弹上设备研制中开展综合标准化工作的做法 ,即标准化工作重心前移、狠抓规范化设计、标准化大纲的适时制定与修订、加大标准化检查力度和有效开展产品“
据报道,英国航天科学家和国防鉴定与研究局正在研制一种低成本的“战术光学卫星”。  这种卫星可快速提供高清晰度的图像,可由部队直接控制,用于战术应用。该卫星重100千克,可
Presents the successful application of an accident recalling system in the Linyuan refine oil works as part of a rotating machine vibration state monitoring and
有这样一个故事,题目是《他把花都给了人》,写的是一位牧师为保住花园中的花不受上学途经花园的小学生的折损,就站在花园大 There is a story titled “He gave flowers to