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NIADDM中肾功能衰竭的发生率(俄克拉何马印第安人糖尿病的研究)[英]/LeeET… //Diabetes.-1994,43.-572~579糖尿病肾病是美国25~64岁人中依赖透析的终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)的唯一最重要原因。虽然,已认识到ESR... The incidence of renal failure in NIADDM (Oklahoma Indian Diabetes Study) [English] / LeeET ... // Diabetes. -1994,43. -572 ~ 579 Diabetic nephropathy is the single most important cause of dialysis-related end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in people aged 25-64 in the United States. Although, it has been recognized that ESR ...
A method has been presented to improve ensemble forecast by utilizing these initial members generated by four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4-D VDA
FOR Witten invariants, there have been many studies (see refs. [1—9]). Numerical computer calculation of some Witten invariants τ_r (M) of several three-manifolds was done by Freed andGrompf and Neil.
Carbon nitride films are deposited on Si (001) substrates by reactive dc magnetron sputtering graphite in a pure N2 discharge. The structure of carbon nitride f
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从卫星的发源 LST 放射的大小是合乎需要的,但是 LST 的精确决心是很困难的, whcih 与大气的效果,陆地表面的不一致并且在表面温度和放射率之间联合有关。特别地,,在陆地表面温度
Based on the radiocarbon data of the moss peat banks in Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica, it was calculated that the mean rates of peat accumulation in the upper la
翻译精确性,翻译延伸率和翻译 processivity 是为每个延伸周期的三个重要参数。在翻译延伸学习 ribosomal 蛋白质的角色,这些参数在 threeEscherichia coli T83 mutantsrpsL 第
1 调节离子成份含量 渗水离子成份含量与正常海水离子含量有较大差异,必须进行调节。地下渗水作为养殖水源,其理化因子与海水和地表淡水有较大差异。分析结果表明,渗水中常量
印度铁路(IR)计划在2014年之前,在其长47 748km的宽轨铁路网上安装57 000套防撞设备(ACD)。该信息是在2 300套ACD历经3年的成功试用后发布的。ACD由Konkan铁路公司开发,有2个