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引证法是一种重要的论证力法。如果运用得当,分析深刻,不仅使行文活泼,文章的中心论点有坚实的根基,还能使读者增长知识,得到哲理的启迪,促进科学世界观的形成。高中学生的议论文差不多都能引用人们耳熟能详的一些言论来证明论点。但是,他们往往不善于阐明这些言论的深刻含义,往往是浅尝辄止,有的学生还只是简单地靠引用的话压人,缺乏说服力,教师有必要加以正确的引导。那么,怎样才是正确运用引证法呢?这要从其概念和议论文的写作本身来考虑。引证,顾名思义,一是“引”,引用;一是“证”,用它证明论点。写作时既要善“引”,更要善“证”。“引”的问题解决了(这一点易为学生掌握)就要“证”,“引”而不“证”不是好的议论文,那只是“观点加引文”。找到引用的理论依据,这是必需的。但是依据本身只是一种材料而已,它不能代替论 Citation law is an important argumentation method. If used properly and analyzed profoundly, it not only makes the writing lively, but also has a solid foundation for the central argument of the article. It also enables readers to increase their knowledge, gain philosophical enlightenment, and promote the formation of a scientific worldview. Almost all the high school students’ argumentative arguments can quote people’s familiar statements to prove the argument. However, they are often not good at clarifying the profound meaning of these remarks. They often try their best. Some students simply rely on quotes to press people, lack persuasiveness, and teachers need to be properly guided. So, what is the correct use of citation? This should be considered from the concept and the argumentative writing itself. Citation, as the name implies, is “quote” and citation; the first is “certificate”, which is used to prove the argument. When writing, we must be good at “citation” and must be good at “certificate.” The problem of “quotation” has been solved (this point is easy for students to master) and it is necessary to “certify”; “quote” rather than “certificate” is not a good argumentative essay. It is just “point of view plus quoting.” Finding the theoretical basis for the quote is required. But the basis itself is only a kind of material, it cannot replace
Vesical diverticula frequently result from bladder outlet obstructions. However, giant vesical diverticula which cause acute abdomen or intestinal obstruction a