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  When I was three years old just before my sister was born, my mom asked me what we should name the new baby, I said,“Let’s call __1__ Gravy(肉汁)!”
  You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes good!My parents found my __2__ interesting, but named the new baby Caroline, instead.
  Having a sister __3__ my life. When my sister and I played together, we __4__ got into fights and got angry with each other if we did __5__ wrong. It sometimes drove our parents crazy. __6__ at the same time, we learned to share our things and to forgive(原谅) each other when we got __7__.
  In North America, there are many kinds of families, but __8__ families have a boy and a girl. Of course, some have three or more. In China, most children __9__ have brothers or sisters, and they have to learn those things in other ways, which is more __10__.
  When I __11__ away to university, my sister __12__ me she wished I still lived at __13__. She wasn’t used to getting all the attention from my parents. But Chinese children get all the attention for all their life!
  Some middle school __14__ in China wish they had a brother or sister. If you are one of them, I __15__ a good idea for you. Treat your friends and classmates as your brothers and sisters!
   1. A. her B. him C. me D. them
   2. A. news B. idea C. lesson D. story
   3. A. began B. saw C. changed D. enjoyed
   4. A. never B. again C. seldom D. often
   5. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing
   6. A. But B. So C. Or D. Through
   7. A. angry B. excited C. hungry D. worried
   8. A. few B. several C. all D. most
(A)    It can be dangerous to travel by sea. Ships sometimes __1__ far away from land. When this happens, the sailors have to get into small boats. If another ship does not come and help them and they
Ⅰ.词汇。  (A)根据句意及提示,完成下列单词拼写。
考点1一般将来时  ——Jimmy is leaving for holiday.  ——Really? Where ____ he ____?  A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. does; go  解析:B 此句关于时态的选择关键应由上句来判断。is leaving for…是用现在进行时表达将来时态。类似用法的词还有:come, go, arrive等。
Unit 3    1.You can imagine how strange it was!  你可以想象该是多么奇怪!
1.【点击原文】If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.  【聚焦中考】I’ll do it better if the teacher ____ me another chance.(2007年,邢台)  A. giveB. givesC. gaveD. will give  【答案与简析】答案B。在条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句
Two Pronouns  The teacher said to a student, “Saud, name two pronouns.”  Saud who suddenly woke up said, “Who, me?”  两个代词   老师对学生说:“Saud, 给出两个代词。”  突然从梦中惊醒的Saud说道:“谁?我?”    How to Get Clean Water?  Te
Unit 1    1.probably她大概会谅解你,并设法帮助你。  误:She probably will understand and try to help you.  正:She will probably understand and try to help you.  析:probably“或许、大概、可能”,表示把握性很大的事情,可位于句首或位于系动词/助动词/情态动词之后,行为
一、fast, quick, quickly, soon    1.fast侧重于指人或物运动速度快,它既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。例如:  Are you going there by the fast train? 你打算乘快车去那里吗?  You are always saying I am growing so fast.   你总是说:我长得很快。(句中的fast指的是长的速度快,每年
1.let in    解读 动词短语,意思是“让……进来”。例如:  Open the window and let in the fresh air. 打开窗户透透新鲜空气吧。  She’s new in our class; let her in!她是我们班的新生,让她进来吧!  Then the assistant let us into the library.   后来,管理员让我们进
(A)    一会儿如小溪流水,一会儿似万马奔腾——是哪里传来这天籁之音?原来是帕格尼尼在表演小提琴独奏。在演奏中,突然断了一根琴弦,可帕格尼尼没有终止演奏,不一会儿,又接连断了第二第三根琴弦,那么,他能用仅剩的一根弦奏完乐曲吗?    Nicolo Paganini was a famous violinist. He was also known as a great musician wit