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  1.let in
  解读 动词短语,意思是“让……进来”。例如:
  Open the window and let in the fresh air. 打开窗户透透新鲜空气吧。
  She’s new in our class; let her in!她是我们班的新生,让她进来吧!
  Then the assistant let us into the library.
  警示 let in是一个“动副结构”的动词短语,后接人称代词作宾语时,必须将人称代词置于let和in之间。
  ①let out放掉,泄露。例如:
  Be sure not to let out the news. 请记住不要走漏消息。
  The pond is too deep; let out some water. 水太深,放掉一些水吧。
  ②let away让……走。例如:
  It’s not her business; let her away. 不关她的事,让她走。
  ③let through 让……穿过。例如:
  The policeman stopped other traffic and let us through.
  Let them set off at once. 叫他们立刻出发。
  Let the smoke out of the room. 让烟从房间飘出。
  Let’s not be late for the lecture. 我们听演讲不要迟到。
  延伸 let引导的祈使句其否定形式有两种。即:
  ①Don’t let…
  ②Let sb. not…
  Don’t let him know. 不要让他知道。
  Let him not go out. 不要让他出去。
  应用 选择填空。
  ①Keep the door closed; don’t let ____ the flies.
   A. away B. in C. through D. into
  ②The water in the pool is dirty; let ____.
   A. it out B. them out C. out it D. out them
  ③Let people all over the world ____ friends.
   A. are B. is C. am D. be
  解答 ①B let in放进来。
  ②A let out是“动副结构”短语。
  ③D let sb. do sth.让某人干某事。
  解读 及物动词,意思是“提醒,使想起”。例如:
  If I forget, please remind me. 假如我忘了,请提醒我。
  Please remind me that I must call him up at noon.
  若表达“使得某人想起某事”,用“remind sb. of sth.”。例如:
  You reminded me of my childhood. 你使我想起了我的童年。
  That film reminds her of what she did before.
  “提醒某人去干某事”用“remind sb. to do sth.”。例如:
  I often remind myself not to fall behind. 我常常提醒自己不要落后。
  比较 remind不是remember,前者是“使人想起”,后者是“(不自然地)记起,(有意识地)识记”。例如:
  I suddenly remembered I left my key at home.
  You must remember this word. 你一定得记住这个单词。
  应用 指出下列句子中的错误,并改正。
  ①The boy reminds me my life in the country.
  ②Your words reminded him what he said last week.
  ③I don’t remember to see her.
  ④Remind to bring the book next time.
  解答 ①reminds me→reminds me of “remind sb. of sth.”使某人想起某事。
  ②reminded him→reminded him of(同①)。
  ③to see→seeingremember doing sth. 记得做过某事。(事已做完)
  ④Remind→Rememberremember to do sth. 记住去做某事。(事未做)
  解读 (1)形容词,有以下几种含义:
  Where are other people, Mark? 马克,其他人呢?
  I’ll come some other day. 我改日再来吧。
  My parents come to see me every other week.
  Please write on every other line. 请隔一行写。
  I don’t like these belts; could you show me some others?
  Alice does better in English than all the others in her class.
  警示 other常组成以下搭配:
  ①one…the other…表示“(两者中的)一个……另一个”,有时可以不出现one一词。例如:
  One of his legs is shorter than the other. 他的一条腿比另一条腿短。
  On the other side of the river are a lot of bananas.
  Many kids wear pants, some wear black pants, others wear white ones. 很多小孩穿长裤,一些穿着黑色的,另一些穿着白色的。
  ③each other意思是“彼此”。例如:
  Let’s write to each other. 我们相互写信。
  They ask each other’s name. 他们互问姓名。
  辨析 other, the other, others, the others和another的用法
  总的来说:other和the other一般作形容词用;others和the others作代词用;another既可以作形容词,也可以作代词。它们的具体区分如下表:

  (注意:在one…the other…句型中,the other后接单数名词)
  English is widely spoken in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; what about other countries?
  Four foreigners come to our school; that’s one, where are the others?
  These pears are quite delicious; would you like another one?
  We should help others when they’re in trouble.
  Ann sings better than the other girls in her school.
  应用 用方框中所给的词填空。
  other, others, another, the other, the others
  ①We learn Chinese, math, English, physics and some ____ subjects.
  ②Scientists have found nobody’s hand is exactly as long as ____.
  ③Mum, I’d like ____ piece of chocolate.
  ④At the meeting, some said yes, some said no, and ____ said nothing.
  ⑤Of the four boys, one is from Korea, ____ are from India.
  ⑥Any ____ person would be welcome here.
  ⑦Please come to my office some ____ time.
  ⑧I met David ____ day.
  解答 ①other 修饰复数名词,且还有另外的修饰词some,故不用the other。
  ②the other “一人只有两只手”,表示“两者”关系。
  ③another 修饰单数名词piece。
  ④others 固定搭配“some…others…”。
  ⑤the others 四个男孩中已谈到了一个,剩下的自然是“定指”。
  ⑥other any表示“任何一个”,此空修饰名词,前面另有修饰词。
  ⑦other 修饰不可数名词,且前面另有修饰词。
  ⑧the other the other day意思是“几天前”。
  解读 (1)作形容词,意思是:
  Is your grandma still living? 你奶奶还在世吗?
  He’s a living Lei Feng. 他是一个活雷锋。
  Is that living water? 那是活水吗?
  English is a living language. 英语是一门活生生的语言。
  To make a living, he had to get a part-time job in a restaurant.
  How did you earn a living in the past? 你在过去是怎样活过来的?
  The living were seriously hurt, too. 活着的人也受了重伤。
  比较 live动词,意思是“生活”;life名词,意思是“生活,生命”;lively形容词,意思是“生动的”。例如:
  We’re living a happy life now. 我们现在过着幸福的生活。
  His classes are lively and interesting. 他上的课生动有趣。
  To him, the most important thing is to save lives.
  living room 起居室 living space 生存空间
  应用 用live的适当形式完成下列句子。
  ①I wish ____ on the Mars some day.
  ②The writer made a ____ description of that.
  ③The ____ here is quite different from that in your country.
  ④How many people are ____ in the train crash?
  解答 ①to livewish to do sth. 希望做某事。
  ③lifethe life here这里的生活。
  5.turn down
  解读 (1)动词短语,意思是“(把电视、收音机等的音量)调小”。其反义词是turn up。例如:
  It’s too noisy here; could you turn up the radio a little?
  The baby is asleep; turn down the TV.
  Turn left at the second crossing, then go on.
  The hands of the clock turn round and round.
  Now please turn to Page 20. 现在,请翻到第二十页。
  He turned when I called him. 我叫他,他就回过头来。
  She turned and saw a boy following her.
  In autumn leaves turn yellow. 秋天,叶子变黄。
  When the traffic lights turn red, you can cross the street.
  Take turns to ask the question. 按照顺序问问题。
  I’m on the afternoon turn. 我上下午班。
  turn on打开(灯、水龙头、电视等) turn off关掉
  turn over翻转过来 turn in上交
  turn round绕……转 turn to求助于
  by turns轮流 in one’s turn轮到某人
  拓展 turn的名词turning作“转弯处”讲。例如:
  Take the first turning on the right. 在第一个转弯处向右拐。
  应用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。
  ①Let’s play the games ____(轮流).
  ②Her hair ____(变白).
  ③The moon ____(绕着……转) the earth.
  ④The women’s football match is beginning; ____(打开) the TV quickly.
  ⑤The teacher told us ____(翻回到) Page 26.
  解答 ①by turn ②turns grey ③turns round/around
   ④turn on ⑤to turn back to
Unit 3    1.in front of  解读 (1)介词短语,意思是“在……前面”。例如:
Ⅰ.词汇。  根据首字母或汉语提示补全句子。
(A)    It can be dangerous to travel by sea. Ships sometimes __1__ far away from land. When this happens, the sailors have to get into small boats. If another ship does not come and help them and they
Ⅰ.词汇。  (A)根据句意及提示,完成下列单词拼写。
考点1一般将来时  ——Jimmy is leaving for holiday.  ——Really? Where ____ he ____?  A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. does; go  解析:B 此句关于时态的选择关键应由上句来判断。is leaving for…是用现在进行时表达将来时态。类似用法的词还有:come, go, arrive等。
Unit 3    1.You can imagine how strange it was!  你可以想象该是多么奇怪!
1.【点击原文】If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.  【聚焦中考】I’ll do it better if the teacher ____ me another chance.(2007年,邢台)  A. giveB. givesC. gaveD. will give  【答案与简析】答案B。在条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句
Two Pronouns  The teacher said to a student, “Saud, name two pronouns.”  Saud who suddenly woke up said, “Who, me?”  两个代词   老师对学生说:“Saud, 给出两个代词。”  突然从梦中惊醒的Saud说道:“谁?我?”    How to Get Clean Water?  Te
Unit 1    1.probably她大概会谅解你,并设法帮助你。  误:She probably will understand and try to help you.  正:She will probably understand and try to help you.  析:probably“或许、大概、可能”,表示把握性很大的事情,可位于句首或位于系动词/助动词/情态动词之后,行为
一、fast, quick, quickly, soon    1.fast侧重于指人或物运动速度快,它既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。例如:  Are you going there by the fast train? 你打算乘快车去那里吗?  You are always saying I am growing so fast.   你总是说:我长得很快。(句中的fast指的是长的速度快,每年