一、改革开放二十年,我国制革业发展创历史最好水平。 二十年来,在改革开放政策的指引下,中国制革业得到长足的发展。据有关资料统计,具有一定规模的制革企业2300余家其中全部国有企业及年销售收入500万元以上的非国有企业50余家,从业人员约10万人。近年来,制革业在市场经济的大潮中不仅得到了长足的发展,而且进入了优胜劣汰的良性循环。据1999年统计,制革业年销售收人、利税总额、工业增加值及轻革产量均呈增长趋势,而企业数量逐年减少,说明制革企业已向规模效益型企业发展。
First, in the past two decades of reform and opening up, the development of the tanning industry in China has been the best in history. In the past 20 years, under the guidance of the reform and opening up policy, the Chinese tanning industry has achieved considerable development. According to statistics, there are more than 2,300 tanneries, including all state-owned enterprises, and more than 50 non-state-owned enterprises with an annual sales income of more than 5 million yuan, and about 100,000 employees. In recent years, the tanning industry has not only achieved considerable development in the tide of the market economy, but also entered a virtuous circle of survival of the fittest. According to the statistics of 1999, the annual sales revenue, total profits and taxes, industrial added value, and light leather output of the tanning industry all showed an increasing trend, and the number of enterprises decreased year by year, indicating that the tanning enterprises have developed toward economies of scale.