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现年67岁的孔繁英于2005年12月从黔南州人大常委会副主任岗位退休后继续发挥专长,为老年人的健康忙碌,为青少年的成长辛勤工作,被大家亲切的称为“永远年轻的孔奶奶”。“永远年轻的孔奶奶”退休后,孔繁英先后担任州老年体协副会长、州经济开发研究促进会副会长、州关心下一代工作委员会副主任、常务副主任,州国际国内公共关系协会副会长、名誉会长等老年组织负责人。因工作出色,她多次受到上级关工委和有关部门的肯定和表彰。州直机关老同志活动有场所,是老同志们交流学习的重要之地。孔繁英为改善州直机关老同志健身娱乐学习条件,主动争取有关单位的支持,添置了活动室的空调、鞋柜、衣架等设备,改善了老同志活动场所条件,提高了老同志活动的凝聚力。同时,她本身坚持体育锻炼,还兼任了州直乒乓球协会、气排球协会名誉主席,与老同志一起帮助基层协调解决有关困 Kong Fan-ying, 67, continued to develop his expertise after retirement from the position of deputy director of the Qiannan State People’s Congress in December 2005. He is always young and healthy because of the health of the elderly and the hard work of young people. Hole grandmother ". After retiring, Kong Fanying served successively as Vice President of the State Senior Citizens Association, Vice President of the State Council for Economic Research and Development, Deputy Director of the State Council for Next-Generation Work Committees, Executive Deputy Director, and State and International Public Vice President of the Association, Honorary President and other senior members of the organization. Due to her excellent work, she was repeatedly affirmed and commended by the superior working committee and relevant departments. There are places for official comrades in the state organs directly under the Central Government to hold such activities. This is an important place where old comrades exchange and study. In order to improve the learning and entertainment conditions of the veteran comrades in the state organs directly under the Central Government, Kong Fan-ying volunteered for the support of the units concerned and purchased equipment such as air conditioners, shoe racks and hangers in the activity room, improved the conditions for the old gay places and enhanced the cohesion of the activities of the old gays. At the same time, she insisted on physical exercise, also served as the state straight ping pong Association, the honorary chairman of the gas volleyball Association, together with the old comrades to help grass-roots coordination to solve the difficulties
为明确群居型和散居型亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus对气候变化的呼吸代谢响应机制,采用多通道昆虫呼吸仪测定15、20、25、30和35℃温度下2种生态型亚洲小车蝗的呼吸率、代谢
Heterosis is a well-known phenomenon widely applied in agriculture. Recent studies have suggested that differential gene and protein expression between hybrids
Endosperm as the storage organ of starch and protein in cereal crops largely determines grain yield and quality. Despite the fact that several pentatricopeptide