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下列数字虽然枯躁无味,但却能让我们深刻地认识到我们的世界所面临的人口、环境、资源、疾病等问题的严重性,发人深省。 现在全球人口已超过54亿,并且以每年净增9000万的速度增加。中国人口已超过11.6亿,而且以每年净增1700万的速度增加. 目前全世界粮食库存量可供应的天数由原101天下降到54大。全世界有近10亿人处于饥饿、半饥饿状态,每年全球有1500万至2000万人死于饥饿及由营养不良引起的疾病。 全球每年有1700多万公顷的森林从地球上消失。自1950年以来,全球森林已损失了一半,目前全球森林面积不足30亿公顷。 全世界的热带森林仅残存900万平方公里,而且以每年7.6万至9.2万平方公里的的速度消失着。 全世界每年有5万多个物种灭绝。 全球每年因使用矿物燃料排入大气中的二氧化碳达55亿吨,世界城市人口中有一半(约9亿人)生活在二氧化碳超过标准的大气环境中。 全世界每年排入大气的有害气体约11亿吨。全球有五分之一的人呼吸着有害健康的空气,每天有800人因呼吸受污染的空气而早亡。 全世界各城市一年排放的各种污水达1500 Although the following figures are boring and boring, they can give us a deep understanding of the seriousness of the problems facing our world such as population, environment, resources and diseases. The global population has now surpassed 5.4 billion, and has increased at a rate of 90 million net annual increases. China’s population has surpassed 1.16 billion, and it has increased at a net increase of 17 million yuan per year. The number of days the world’s grain stocks can be supplied has dropped from the previous 101 days to 54. Nearly 1 billion people in the world are hungry and half-starved. Each year, between 15 and 20 million people globally die of hunger and diseases caused by malnutrition. More than 17 million hectares of forests disappear from the earth each year. Since 1950, the global forest has been lost by half, and the global forest area is currently less than 3 billion hectares. The tropical forests of the world have only 9 million square kilometers remaining and are disappearing at a rate of 76,000 to 92,000 square kilometers per year. More than 50,000 species are extinct each year in the world. In the world, about 5.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere each year due to the use of fossil fuels. Half of the world’s urban population (about 900 million people) lives in a carbon dioxide atmosphere that exceeds the standard atmospheric environment. About 1.1 billion tons of harmful gases are emitted into the atmosphere every year in the world. One-fifth of the world’s population breathes harmful air, and 800 people die each day from breathing contaminated air. Annual discharge of various types of sewage in cities around the world up to 1500
锯缘青蟹(S.serrata),俗称青蟹,隶属于梭子蟹科(Portunidae),青蟹属(Scylla spp.),青蟹属中的其它3个品种是远海梭子蟹(S.tranquebarica)、 S. serrata, commonly known as
为了提高海水池塘的综合效益,2004~2005年,笔者在江苏南通盐润水产有限公司选择了13.3 hm~2(200亩)池塘进行综合养殖技术试验,养殖方式为河蟹育苗-梭子蟹育苗-虾蟹鱼混养,即2月
“蚯蚓”是环节动物门的代表动物,对这节课的教学,我采用了“自学——观察法”,取得了较好效果。 一、自学能力的培养 生物学新教学大纲明确指出:在传授给学生生物知识的同