Rough communication of crisp concept in fuzzy approximation spaces

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asfdasdfasd
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To study the problem of knowledge translation in fuzzy approximation spaces, the concept of rough communication of crisp set in fuzzy approximation spaces is proposed. In a rough communication of crisp set in fuzzy approximation spaces, the problem of uncertainty exists, for each agent has a different language and cannot provide precise communication to each other. By means of some concepts, such as CF rough communication cut, which is a bridge between fuzzy concept and crisp concept, cut analysis of CF rough communication is made, and the relation theorem between CF rough communication and rough communication of crisp concept is obtained. Finally, in order to give an intuitive analysis of the relation between CF rough communication and rough communication of crisp concept, an example is given. To study the problem of knowledge translation in fuzzy approximation spaces, the concept of rough communication of crisp set in fuzzy approximation spaces is proposed. In a rough communication of crisp set in fuzzy approximation spaces, the problem of uncertainty exists, for each agent has a different language and can not provide precise communication to each other. By means of some concepts, such as CF rough communication cut, which is a bridge between fuzzy concept and crisp concept, cut analysis of CF rough communication is made, and relation theory between CF rough communication and rough communication of crisp concept is obtained. Finally, in order to give an intuitive analysis of the relation between CF rough communication and rough communication of crisp concept, an example is given.
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