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由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转轨,标志着我们经济体的根本变革,同时,也意味着经济报道中心的转移。在社会主义市场经济的条件下,新闻摄影作为新闻报道的一个兵种,应该适应新的形势,发挥自身的独特优势,加强经济新闻报道,更好地为市场经济服务。然而,1995年6月,在上海进行的第五届“中国新闻奖”评选,获奖照片几乎没有经济题材的照片。与获奖的文字新闻比较,摄影作品反映深化改革的题材显得薄弱。因此,新闻摄影如何反映社会主义市场经济条件下出现的新事物、新经验,对经济体制改革中许多目前我们还只停留在观念认识上的问题,如何寻找形象报道的切口,亟待新闻摄影工作者下功夫去探索。 改革开放十四年来,全国各族人民在以邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的指引下,大搞经济建设,做了过去多年想做而没能做到的事情,所取得的成绩是巨大的。作为摄影记者,应该把镜头伸进市场经济领域,把巨大的变化,通过我们的镜头形象地展示给人民,以此鼓舞人民同心同德,奋发图强,为实现繁荣昌盛的社会主义现代化而努力奋斗。可是,目前新闻摄影做得不够突出经济建设这个中心,没有充分展示时代发展的主弦律以及人们在这场经济变革的大潮中的各种心态变化。记得一些同志在前年辞旧迎新话摄影的座谈会上就说过,国? The transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy marks a fundamental change in our economy. At the same time, it also means the transfer of economic reporting centers. Under the condition of socialist market economy, as a unit of news coverage, news photography should adapt itself to the new situation, exert its unique advantages, strengthen economic news coverage, and better serve the market economy. However, in June 1995, the fifth “China News Awards” was held in Shanghai. There were almost no photos of economic themes in the winning photos. Compared with the award-winning text news, photography shows the theme of deepening reform is weak. Therefore, how does news photography reflect the new things and new experiences that emerge under the conditions of socialist market economy? How do we find out the incidents of how to find the image coverage of many current economic issues that we are still stuck to? Work hard to explore. In the fourteen years since the reform and opening up, under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the people of all ethnic groups across the country have vigorously pursued economic construction and have done what they have been unable to do in the past for many years. The achievements they have made are: huge. As a photojournalist, we should put the lens into the field of market economy and present enormous changes to the people through our lens. This will inspire the people to work with one heart and one mind and work hard to achieve prosperity and socialism modernization. However, at present, the inadequacy of news photography in highlighting the center of economic construction has not fully demonstrated the main rhythm of the development of the times and the various changes in people’s mindset during the tide of economic reform. I remember that some comrades had said at the forum that two years ago they welcomed the news of the new session,
1995年年初,中 央政治局常委在听取 新华社党组汇报时, 对新华社的工作作了 重要指示。一年间, 新华社党组根据中央 指示精神,围绕当好 党和国家的耳目喉舌 和发挥“消息总
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金凯臻把方向盘上的音量键按小了两档,广播里聒噪的女声顿时弱了下来,“看到了没有?”金凯臻指着远方山顶上的一栋建筑说,“那里,就快到了,看见没?”  副驾驶上的沈蓉把正在涂抹的口红旋进口红匣,盖上口红盖,又将作为镜子的粉盒合上,慢悠悠地抬起头问,“哪里?”这时车子已经重新拐进山路,那栋建筑被大雪覆盖的山峰和枯败的枝杈遮挡。  “我看见了。”  “我也看见了。”坐在后排的双胞胎姐弟雷逸安和雷逸雅同时点
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