液氨直接施肥技术的研究与应用(七) 田间液氨直接施肥主要机械和设备——液氨施肥机

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液氨施肥机是将液氨肥料直接施入土壤的机具,主要结构由机架、地轮、施肥器(施肥铲刀)、液氨输送系统(含液氨钢瓶、主管路、过滤器、压力表、流量控制器、分配器、液氨喷管等)及覆土机械组成.其工作过程如图1所示.拖拉机牵动液氨施肥机组行进时,施肥工作部件插入土壤中.打开施氨阀门,液氨便由压力容器(钢瓶或拖车罐)经主管路到过滤器、压力表、流量控制器到分配器,然后通过各支管均匀地分配到各液氨喷管,以气态正离子铵施入土壤,被土壤负离子胶体吸附完成施肥过程. Liquid ammonia fertilizer machine is a liquid ammonia fertilizer directly into the soil of the machine, the main structure by the rack, ground wheel, fertilizer (fertilizer blade), liquid ammonia delivery system (including ammonia cylinder, main pipeline, filter, pressure Table, flow controller, distributor, liquid ammonia nozzle, etc.) and casing machinery.The working process shown in Figure 1. Tractor pull liquid ammonia fertilizer unit marching, the fertilization of working parts into the soil.Start the ammonia valve, Liquid ammonia from the pressure vessel (cylinder or trailer tank) through the main line to the filter, pressure gauge, flow controller to the distributor, and then through the branches evenly distributed to the liquid ammonia nozzle, the use of gaseous positive ion ammonium Soil, absorbed by the soil anion colloid to complete the fertilization process.
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