WTO与保障措施 “金平法律沙龙”系列研讨会之二

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继美国和欧盟之后,我国外经贸部于2002年5月20日正式立案对部分钢铁产品开展保障措施调查,随后国家经贸委发出了关于对部分钢铁产品进行保障措施产业损害调查的通知。这次部分钢铁产品保障措施案是我国第一起保障措施调查案件,也是中国加入WTO之后第一次利用WTO规则对国内产业实施保护的法律措施。律师参与保障措施调查,这对中国律师来说,也是新业务。为了保证这次部分钢铁产品保障措施调查的顺利进行,北京金平律师事务所举办了“WTO与保障措施”法律研讨会,参加研讨会的君合、金杜、金诚、格文、天地合等律师事务所的律师和金平所的律师共同就保障措施的相关问题进行了研讨。大家一 Following the United States and the EU, the MOFTEC formally filed a case investigation on some steel products on May 20, 2002, and the SETC subsequently issued a circular on the investigation of the industrial damage caused by the safeguard measures on some steel products. This part of the case of steel products safeguard measures is China’s first case of safeguard investigations and a legal measure for the protection of domestic industries after China’s entry into the WTO for the first time using the WTO rules. Lawyers involved in the investigation of safeguards, which is also a new business for Chinese lawyers. In order to ensure the smooth investigation of the security measures for some steel products, Beijing Jinping Law Firm held the Legal Seminar on WTO and Safeguard Measures, and the seminars were held in Jun He, Jin Du, Jin Cheng, Ge Wen, Attorneys at law firms and attorneys in Jinping conducted a study on issues related to safeguards. Everyone one
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。公正,让司法如此美丽$《人民法院报》!记者@张杰 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
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现代社会似乎进入了一个特别爱撮合的阶段。各种社交网络的红火就不用说了,几乎把所谓的六度空间理论都更新到了五度甚至四度的地步;技术进步让组个局这种事儿也变成了举手之劳。而城市里年轻的男男女女,活到25岁如果还没被催婚逼育的恐怕都已算幸运儿。  但讽刺的是,人与人之间却并没有因为联系更方便而变得更亲密,时代大背景貌似反而加深了我们的孤独感,交友相亲类相关产业变成了红火的大生意,但也同时把独处变成了一项
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