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国家电力公司副总经理陆延昌近日指出,由于全国城市电网建设与改造工程实施力度逐步加大,今明两年全国需要完成投资800多亿元,因此全国电力系统将进入城网建设改造的一个高峰期。陆延昌指出,城网建设与改造工作是扩大内需、促进国民经济和社会全面发展、支持电力工业改革与发展而采取的有效措施。各网及省电力公司都要精心组织、加紧工作,确保如期实现国务院提出的用3年左右时间完成全国城市电网建设与改造的目标。据介绍,截至去年底全国只完成城网改造与建设总任务量的1/3左右。根据国家电力公司的计划,到今年6月底241个城网项目将全部开工启动,到今年底要 Lu Yanchang, deputy general manager of the National Power Corporation, pointed out recently that due to the gradual increase in the implementation of the national urban power grid construction and renovation project, the country will need to complete a total investment of more than 80 billion yuan in the next two years, so the country’s power system will enter a peak period of urban network reconstruction. . Lu Yanchang pointed out that the construction and transformation of urban networks is an effective measure taken to expand domestic demand, promote the overall development of the national economy and society, and support the reform and development of the power industry. Each network and provincial power company must meticulously organize and intensify their work to ensure that the State Council puts forward the goal of completing the construction and transformation of the national urban power grid in about three years as scheduled. According to reports, as of the end of last year, the country had only completed about one-third of the total task of urban network reconstruction and construction. According to the plan of the State Power Corporation, 241 city network projects will start all at the end of June this year, and they will be completed by the end of this year.
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