
来源 :数理天地(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shipeicheng
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1.绝对加速度什么是绝对加速度?先看这样一个例子.一辆匀速直线运动的小车上,小球m从车顶自由落下,三个观察者分别立于,A:车上,B:地面,C匀速下降的电梯中,则它们所观察到的小球运动分别是,A:自由落体运动,B:平抛运动,C:斜抛运动.但他们所观察到的小球运动的加速度是相同的,即重力加速度.也就足说小球的加速度对于三个不同参照系是相同的.将这个结论延拓,对于任意匀速直线运动(或静止)的参照系而言,物体的加速度都是唯一确定的,这样的参照系称之为惯性参照系,简称惯性系,物体相对于惯性系的唯一确定的加速度称之为绝对加速度. 1. Absolute acceleration What is absolute acceleration? Let’s look at an example of this. In a uniform linear motion car, the ball m falls freely from the roof, and the three observers stand separately, A: car, B: ground, In the elevator with constant speed drop, the observed small ball movements are: A: free-fall motion, B: flat-throw motion, and C: oblique-throw motion. However, the acceleration of the small ball they observe is the same. , that is, the acceleration of gravity. It is sufficient to say that the acceleration of the ball is the same for three different frames of reference. Continuing this conclusion, the acceleration of the object for any frame of uniform linear motion (or stationary) is For the only certainty, such a frame of reference is called inertial frame of reference, or simply inertial frame. The only certain acceleration of an object relative to the inertial frame is called absolute acceleration.
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