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邢天才同志,今年二月份从部队转业来到修配厂做保养工。到厂以后,他还是继承了解放军的光荣传统,发扬了三八作风,坚持了学习毛主席著作,做到了活学活用,取得了立竿见影的效果。在突出政治的前提下,他猛钻技术,大搞革新,在红五月技术革新运动中已试制成功了“拆装变速箱升降机”工具,在技术革新展览会上受到大家的赞扬。邢天才同志来修配厂、分配到保养场后,思想一直稳定,工作干劲非常大,他为了迅速学会过去自己不懂的东西,掌握修车技术,除了在工作中虚心向老师传学习、请教外,还在星期天去管庄、北京等书店购买了有关单辆修理等六种技术书籍,进行刻苦学习,使技术水平也获得较快的提高,目前已经基本能担任 Xing Tiancai comrades, in February of this year from the army to repair shop to repair workers. After arriving at the factory, he also inherited the glorious tradition of the People’s Liberation Army, carried forward his work-style style, insisted on studying Chairman Mao’s works, and achieved the results of his studies and achieved immediate results. Under the premise of highlighting politics, he fiercely explored the technology and vigorously pursued the reform. He successfully trial-and-assembled the gearbox lifter tool in the Red May Technology Innovation Campaign and was praised by everyone at the Technology Innovation Fair. Comrade Xing Tiancai to repair the factory, assigned to the maintenance field, the idea has been stable, the work of great motivation, in order to quickly learn what he did not understand in the past to master the car repair technology, in addition to the work in an open mind to learn from the teacher, ask outside , But also go to Guanzhuang Sunday, Beijing and other bookstores to buy a single repair and other six kinds of technical books, to study hard, so that the technical level has also been faster to improve, has basically been able to serve
Objective:To investigate the prevalence of leptospirosis among patients from within and outside Kolkata.India,attending the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine
Objective:To determine the prevalence of malaria infections among foreign migrant workers in Thailand.Methods:Giemsa-stained thin and thick blood films were pre
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