有了正确思想作指导 就能突破难关——刘兴乾同学在科研中是怎样运用主席思想的

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六四金属物理刘兴乾同学,从五九年入大学以来,一直坚持学习毛主席著作。曾在他的倡导下,班级成立“燎原”小组,组织同学学习了主席著作。他曾获得沈阳市主席著作学习积极分子的光荣称号。几年来,他认真学习了主席著作,并注意了学用结合。在这次做毕业论文的过程中,他运用主席思想,改造自己的思想,不断地克服科学实验过程的难关,使科研工作取得了较好的成果。 Liu Xinggan, a physicist of the June 4th Physics and Physics, has always insisted on studying Chairman Mao’s works since entering university in 1959. In his advocacy, the class set up a “prairie fire” group, organize classmates to learn the chairman’s work. He has won the glorious title of a chairman of Shenyang City for studying activists. Over the years, he studied the chairmanship seriously, and noted the combination of learning. In this course of graduation thesis, he used the thinking of the chairman, transformed his own thinking, and constantly overcome the difficulties of the scientific experiment so that the scientific research achieved good results.
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