软装:21世纪家装的主流 访深圳市雅典居发展有限公司总经理聂剑平

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初识雅典居总经理聂剑平,他刚匆匆从深圳赶到广州。正是他以独特的经营理念和经营方式,使“雅典居”这个家装新贵在众多的家居装饰企业中脱颖而出。记者就中国家装行业的现状及发展趋势等问题采访了这位业界传奇人物。记者:雅典居在短短几年的时间内迅速发展,成为家装行业的知名品牌,您认为成功的秘诀在哪里?聂总:家居装饰是一门艺术,而艺术是讲究品位的,必须将设计、装饰赋予性格、文化、环境的内涵,我们雅典居在创办之初就深入剖析了世界各民族的文化,然后以各民族深厚的文化底蕴为突破口,选择了文化这主线,确立了高品位这一格调,坚持用严谨塑造浪漫,将文化融入设计,将文化融入经营,因而一开始提供的就是有品位的产品和服务,这种经营思路正符合经济快速发展、消费者审美意识明显提高的时代发展趋势。 Nie Jianping, the general manager of Athena’s hometown, has just arrived in Guangzhou from Shenzhen. It is his unique business philosophy and management methods that make the “Athens” the upstart in many home decoration companies. The reporter interviewed the legendary figure of the industry about the status quo and development trends of the Chinese national assembly industry. Reporter: Athens has developed rapidly in a short period of time and has become a well-known brand in the home improvement industry. Where do you think the secret of success? Nie Zong: Home decoration is an art, while art is quality, design must be With the connotation of decoration, character, culture, and environment, Athens began its analysis of the cultures of various peoples in the world at the very beginning of its establishment. Then, taking the deep cultural heritage of all ethnic groups as a breakthrough point, we chose the main line of culture and established high quality. One style, insisting on rigorously shaping romance, integrating culture into design, and integrating culture into management, has provided quality products and services from the outset. This business philosophy is in line with the rapid economic development and the aesthetic awareness of consumers. development trend.
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