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江西省兴国县1997~1999年5月先后发生四甲基二矾四胺(商品名毒鼠强)中毒事故8起,现将情况报告如下.1 材料与方法对兴国县1997~1999年5月卫生防疫和公安部门调查的毒鼠强中毒的资料进行统计分析.按GB 14938-94《食物中毒诊断标准及技术处理总则》,根据流行病学调查、临床症状、实验室检验确诊.2 结果2.l 中毒情况 中毒事故发生在7乡镇8个村,共发病33人.其临床表现为发病急,呈突然发作;9.09%(3/33)病例有反复发作史,反复发作2~4次;全部病例发作时均出现癫痫样突发性抽搐,抽搐时间5~30min不等,抽搐时伴有两眼上翻、口吐白沫、短暂的意识不清.8例病人做脑电图检查,7例显示脑电图异常.入院患者经采取催吐、洗胃、输液、抗癫痫、镇静用药措施后,除因持续抽搐发作导致呼吸衰竭抢救无效死亡6人外、其它病例经5~8d治疗,逐渐康复出院. Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province from 1997 to May 1999 has occurred tetramethyl two alum tetraamine (brand name poison rat strong) poisoning 8, the situation is reported as follows.1 Materials and Methods Xingguo County in 1997 ~ May 1999 Health and epidemic prevention and public security departments of tetramine poisoning data for statistical analysis.According to GB 14938-94 “food poisoning diagnostic criteria and technical treatment of general rules,” according to epidemiological investigation, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests confirmed.2 result 2 .l poisoning poisoning accident occurred in 7 villages and towns 8 villages, a total of 33. The clinical manifestations of acute onset, was a sudden onset; 9.09% (3/33) cases of recurrent seizures, repeated episodes of 2 to 4 times; All cases were epileptic seizures occurred when sudden convulsions, seizures time ranging from 5 ~ 30min, convulsions accompanied by two upturned, foaming at the mouth, brief unconsciousness .8 patients to do EEG, 7 cases showed abnormal EEG.The patients admitted to take emetic, gastric lavage, infusion, anti-epilepsy, sedation medication, in addition to continuous convulsive seizures led to respiratory failure died of 6 deaths, the other cases after 5 ~ 8d treatment, Gradually recovered and discharged.
1990年,法国的社交大师Ophelia Renouard重新包装了巴黎名媛成年礼舞会,这是西方社交季中唯一向全世界开放的贵族舞会,它的前身是 In 1990, French social master Ophelia R