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发展社区卫生服务,完善农村合作医疗制度,对于解决群众看病难、看病贵问题和提高预防保健水平具有重要意义。7至9月,市人大常委会开展了关于社区卫生和农村合作医疗的工作监督。10月26日,市人大常委会第三十一次会议听取和审议了市政府关于本市社区卫生和郊区农村卫生工作情况的报告、市人大常委会检查组关于本市社区卫生和农村合作医疗工作监督检查情况的报告。市人大常委会主任龚学平表示,市人大将以此次监督检查为契机,全面贯彻落实监督法,继续关心和支持本市的卫生改革和发展,同时也希望各级政府要加大对卫生的投入力度,今后财政投入的增量应该向农村倾斜、向基层倾斜、向人才培养倾斜,为保障全市人民享有安全、有效、便捷、经济的公共卫生和基本医疗服务做出地方国家权力机关应有的贡献。 The development of community health services and the improvement of the rural cooperative medical system are of great significance for solving the problems of people’s access to medical services, expensive medical treatment and prevention and health care. From July to September, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress carried out work supervision on community health and rural cooperative medical care. On October 26th, the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress heard and reviewed the report of the municipal government on the situation of community health and suburban rural health work in the city, and the inspection group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress on the city’s community health and rural cooperative medical care. Report of work supervision and inspection. Gong Xueping, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, said that the Municipal People’s Congress will use this supervision and inspection as an opportunity to fully implement the supervision law, continue to care and support the city’s health reform and development, and also hope that all levels of government should increase investment in health. In the future, the increase in financial input should be tilted toward the countryside, tilted toward the grassroots, and tilted toward the training of talented people. It should ensure that the people of the city enjoy safe, effective, convenient, economical public health and basic medical services. contribution.
近几年我院收治两例变应性亚败血症,现报道如下: 例一:姜××,女性,14岁,病案号13511。因高热27天于1975年11月19日收住我院内科。患者曾在5年前无明显诱因突然畏寒高热,同
γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)是中枢神经系统的抑制性递质,在脑的黑质、苍白球、基底神经节区含量最高,尾核和壳脑含量也较高。最近 Perry 等对 Huntington 舞蹈综合症尸检发现,基底神
11月“上海双年展”将举办第十届。  10届、20年这两个数字对“上海双年展”来说具有特殊的意义。“上海双年展”是第一个有政府支持的双年展。这20年对中国当代艺术同样具有特殊的意义,第三届上海双年展的举办标志着中国的当代艺术开始在官方体系的展馆和展览中展出,意味着当代艺术的“合法化”,它率先采取国际上通行的策展人制度,在它的影响下,国内大大小小的双年展层出不穷。在这个特殊的月份,我们回顾了中国艺术
一、试验材料和方法 1.供试药物 利福平(Rfp),异丁基嗪哌力复霉素(R76-1):四川抗菌素研究所提供 异烟肼(INH):天津和平药厂 2.使用培养基 小川氏固体鸡蛋培养基:(加药后85℃