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早在几年以前,某跨国公司CEO就曾对上海有关人士讲过,我们选择上海,是因为这里聚集了一批外语很好、业务素质很高、眼界宽阔的白领人才。时隔几年,如果这位CEO再次来华,或许会有一种新的说法:我们选择上海,因为这里流动着一群具有国际视野和管理正规化运作经验的职业经理人。两种表述不同,传达的却是同一个意思,跨国公司选择城市时,是把人力资源当作投资环境来考察的。当政策资源处于同一起跑线,城市的基础设施、投资环境、优惠措施等“硬件”条件越来越趋同时,人力资源就成为一个城市乃至一个区域发展的关键,成为最重要的竞争力。从这个角度讲,人力资源是一种投资环境,重要的投资环境。推及人力资源中的优质成分——职业经理人,观点仍然适用。职业经理人是那些虽不拥有企业,却需运用自己的智慧和才能整合管理企业的各种资源,实现企业法人财产的保值增值责任的人,或者说,是聪明的“穷人”。伊索寓言里有这样一个故事:一个穷人到富人家讨饭,他先要求在富人家的火炉上烤干衣服,仆人认为这不需要花费什么,就答应了。在烤衣服的过程中,穷人又要求厨娘给他一口锅,好煮一锅“石头汤”喝。厨娘从来没有听说过石头能煮汤,就好奇地答应了。在煮“石头汤”的过程中,厨娘为这 As early as a few years ago, a CEO of a multinational company had talked to relevant persons in Shanghai. We chose Shanghai because we gathered a group of white-collar workers with good foreign languages, high professional qualities, and wide vision. After a few years, if the CEO came to China again, there may be a new saying: We chose Shanghai because there is a group of professional managers with international vision and management and regular operation experience. The two expressions are different and convey the same meaning. When transnational corporations choose cities, they consider human resources as the investment environment. When policy resources are on the same starting line, the infrastructure, investment environment, preferential measures, and other “hardware” conditions of cities are becoming more and more at the same time. Human resources have become the key to the development of a city and even a region, becoming the most important competitiveness. From this perspective, human resources is an investment environment and an important investment environment. Pushing on the quality component of human resources, professional managers, the point of view still applies. Professional managers are those who do not own a company, but need to use their wisdom and talents to integrate and manage various resources of the enterprise, and to realize the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of the corporate legal person’s property, or to say, a smart “poor man.” There is a story in Aesop’s fable: a poor man asks for food from the wealthy’s family. He first asks to dry his clothes on the stove of the rich’s house. The servant thinks it does not cost anything and he promises it. In the process of roasting clothes, the poor asked the cook to give him a pot and cook a pot of “stone soup” to drink. The cook had never heard of stone can cook soup, curiously agreed. In the process of cooking “stone soup”, the cooks
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本文介绍一种用体表温差测量技术的无损输液漏液监测仪。该仪器具有灵敏度高、抗干扰性强、能适应各种苛刻环境、使用方便的特点。 This article describes a non-destructi
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要完成新时期思想政治课教书育人的特殊任务,就必须扭转单纯讲条条、背条条的旧模式。新教材的最大特点就是体现了理解联系实际的原则,面对学生对当前现实问题的认识,既要讲清基本原理,又要解决实际问题,达到知识、能力、觉悟三方面的有机结合,真正提高学生的素质。    一、课堂教学中坚持“三个结合”    实施素质教育,课堂教学是最主要的途径。教学中必须自觉地把传授知识、培养能力、提高觉悟三者结合起来,我的做