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探针球内异物定位法,因其操作简单易掌握,已为眼科界所肯定,将X线摄片上取得的数据,如何精确地应用到眼球上,尚未见专门文献论述,故此,特将本法定位要点及其换算原理作一介绍。一、定位要点:X光机球管中心和伤眼角膜顶点连线应与机器台板垂直,胶片放在台板下正对伤眼,摄片时双眼睁开,停止瞬目,使眼固视正前方。摄正位片:病人取仰卧 Probe ball foreign body positioning method, because of its simple and easy to grasp, has been recognized by the ophthalmic community, the data obtained on X-ray film, how to accurately applied to the eye, has not yet seen the specialized literature, therefore, especially this Law positioning key points and the conversion principle for an introduction. First, the positioning points: X-ray tube center and the injured corneal vertex connection should be perpendicular to the machine platen, the film on the plaque is against the injured eye, the eyes open when the film, stop blink, so that the eye solid As the front. Photo positive film: the patient supine
In the past few years, stem cells have become the focus of research by regenerative medicine professionals and tissue engineers. Embryonic stem cells, although
文章对推力轴承小弹簧簇支撑结构作了研究,给出了设计原则和计算方法,并指出它不能用于三峡水电机组上。 The paper studies the supporting structure of the small spring c
4 丰田(TOYOTA)ABS/TRAC控制系统的故障诊断4.1 故障诊断与排除的一般步骤当ABS/TRAC系统的警示灯(ABS防抱死警示灯和TRAC工作指示灯)持续点亮,或感觉该控制系统工作不正常
The worldwide distribution and extensive genetic diversity of the whitefly,Bemisia tabaci,has long been recognized.However,the levels of separation within B.tab