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丰子义指出,论从史出,马哲史的文本研究始终是“论”的研究的一项基础性工作;但马哲史研究不能是呆板的诠释学,必须以论带史,以问题方式提出新的研究课题,强化“论”的点击以激活马哲史的研究。杨学功强调,马克思文本的研究必须走出趋史避论的“客观历史编纂学”的误区,只有史论结合,双向互动,互相促进,才能走出马哲史研究的困境与低谷。聂锦芳结合马克思《剩余价值学说史》创作史的具体分析,指出马克思在理论与理论史的关系问题上最具有自觉意识,而这正是今天的“历史阐释学”需要进一步关注的话题。仰海峰通过揭示克罗齐的“一切真历史都是当代史”这一命题的方法论意义,认为在马克思文献的现代阅读中,马克思的文献是需要重新激活的对象,而这种激活与当代的历史与思想情景有着无法割舍的关系。 Feng Zi-yi pointed out that on the basis of history, the study of the text of the history of Marxism-Leninism has always been a basic work in the study of the theory. However, the study of the history of Marxism-Leninism can not be a rigid hermeneutics. New research topics, strengthening the “theory” of the click to activate the history of Marx and University of the study. Yang Xuegong emphasized that the study of Marx’s text must get rid of the erroneous “objective historical compilation” that the historical history avoids. Only by combining the history theory with two-way interaction and promoting each other can we get out of the plight and bottom of the study of Marxism-Leninism. Based on the concrete analysis of the writing history of Marx’s “theory of surplus value”, Nie Jinfang points out that Marx has the most conscious awareness on the relationship between theory and theoretical history, and this is exactly the topic that “historical hermeneutics” needs further attention today. Yang Haifeng reveals the methodological significance of Croce ’s proposition that “all true history is contemporary history”. He believes that in the modern reading of Marx’ s literature, Marx ’s literature is the object that needs to be reactivated, and this kind of activation and contemporary History and ideological scene can not be separated relationship.
用“双清双美”构建和谐丹徒新城是近年来全城上下共同奋斗的目标,更是丹徒新城辖下的五个社区、五个行政村数千居民的民心所向。 The construction of a harmonious Dantu
渗漏现象是当前人们对于住宅楼反映强烈且极为普遍的问题,应丛设计、使用材料、施工以及施工过程中的管理等各方面综合考虑解决问题。 Leakage phenomenon is currently a s