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目的:探究风热犯肺证小儿肺炎采用麻杏石甘汤加减结合中医定向透药疗法的治疗方式。方法:选取我院2016年8月至2017年2月80例的患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童为研究对象,将80位患儿随机分为两组,分别是观察组和对照组。把其中40例患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童放到对照组进行麻杏石甘汤加减治疗方式,而另外40例患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童放到观察组进行麻杏石甘汤加减结合中医定向透药的治疗方式,两组患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童经过一定时期治疗后,将两组患儿的各项资料进行对比,最终分析其治疗效果。结果:经过数月的治疗,发现两组患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童都得到明显改善,但是其中的观察组采用麻杏石甘汤加减结合中医定向透药的治疗方式更为显著,患儿退烧、咳嗽以及肺啰音现象明显减弱,通过治疗结果发现,存在明显差异,使统计学具有意义(P<0.05)。结论:对患有风热犯肺证肺炎的儿童应用麻杏石甘汤加减结合中医定向透药治疗后发现,运用此方法明显改善小儿肺炎喘嗽风热闭肺证,而且安全性较高,只要在治疗的过程中,按照医师的嘱托,科学合理的用药,就能很快恢复,因此在医学领域得到良好推广。 Objective: To explore the treatment of wind-heat lungs syndrome pneumonia in children with Modified Maxing Shigan Decoction combined with traditional Chinese medicine based on the way of treatment. Methods: Eighty children were randomly divided into two groups: observation group and control group, from 80 children in our hospital from August 2016 to February 2017 with wind-heat syndrome. 40 cases of children with wind-heat lung disease pneumonia were placed in the control group Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang addition and subtraction treatment, and the other 40 cases of wind-heat lung disease pneumonia children into the observation group for the apricot stone Gan Tang Decoction combined with traditional Chinese medicine directed transdermal drug treatment, two groups of children with wind-heat lung disease pneumonia after a period of treatment, the two groups of children were compared to the various data, the final analysis of the treatment effect. Results: After several months of treatment, two groups of children with wind-heat syndrome of lung-lung syndrome were found to be significantly improved. However, the observation group adopted Maxing Shigan Decoction combined with TCM-directed therapy was more obvious, Children with fever, cough and pulmonary rales significantly reduced the phenomenon, found by the treatment results, there are significant differences in statistics significance (P <0.05). Conclusion: Applying Maxing Shigan Decoction combined with Chinese medicine directed transdermal drug treatment to children with wind-heat syndrome of lung-lung syndrome, we found that using this method can obviously improve pneumonia, As long as the treatment process, in accordance with the instructions of the physician, scientific and rational medication, will be able to resume soon, so in the field of medicine has been well promoted.