
来源 :福建艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:philipsyin
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郑景贤,1944年出生于福建惠安,1963年毕业于厦门工艺美术学院,后在中央工艺美术学院全国师资研修班学习,师从李苦禅、田世光、俞致贞、孙其峰、康师尧、苏葆桢、石延龄老师。现任福州大学厦门工艺美术学院教授,中国工艺美术学会书画研究会理事,国家人事部中国书画人才专业委员会委员,中国美术家协会会员,厦门市中国花鸟画研究会会长,福建省政协画室画家,人民美术出版社《中国画》杂志编委,福建省花鸟画家协会副主席。作品多次参加由文化部、中国美术家协会主办的大展,并曾在“中国当代著名花鸟画家作品展”、“中国首届国画学术邀请展”、“全国第二届花鸟画展”、“当代扇面展”、“中国画三百家”、“新时代中国画展”、“全国当代花鸟画艺术大展”、“北京首届国际美术双年展序列展”、“中国工艺美术学会首届中国画大展”获最高奖。作品曾参加日本、巴黎、加拿大等十几个国家及地区驻外使馆展出,并在《中国画》、《国画家》、《美术》、《人民日报》、《文汇报》、《大公报》、《世界日报》等国内外五十多种杂志报刊作专题介绍,专著十余部,VCD《中国花鸟画技法与欣赏》2部、台集六十余部。有许多作品被国内外博物馆、美术馆收藏。画作受各界人士好评,曾获国家人事部当代中国画杰出人才奖。 Zheng Jingxian was born in 1962 in Huian, Fujian. He graduated from the Xiamen Arts and Crafts Institute in 1963 and studied at a national teacher training program at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts under the leadership of Li Kuchan, Tian Shiguang, Yu Zhizhen, Sun Qifeng, Master Shi, Su Baozhen and Shi Yanling. Incumbent Fuzhou University, Xiamen Institute of Arts and Crafts, Chinese Arts and Crafts Society painting and Calligraphy Research Association, the Ministry of Personnel Professional Committee of Chinese painting and calligraphy professionals, the Chinese Artists Association, Xiamen City, China Association of bird and flower painting research, Fujian Province CPPCC studio painter, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House “Chinese painting” magazine editorial board, Fujian province bird painter association vice chairman. His works have been exhibited in exhibitions sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Artists Association for many times. He has also exhibited in the Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies, the First Academic Invitation Exhibition for Chinese Painting, the Second National Flower and Bird Exhibition, Art Exhibition “,” Contemporary Fan Art Exhibition “,” Three Hundred Chinese Paintings “,” New Era Chinese Art Exhibition “,” National Contemporary Art Exhibition of Flowers and Birds “,” Beijing International Art Biennial Exhibition sequence exhibition “, ” Chinese Arts and Crafts Society first Chinese painting exhibition “won the highest award. His works have been exhibited in embassies and consulates in more than a dozen countries and regions such as Japan, Paris and Canada. His works have been exhibited in ”Chinese Paintings“, ”Painters“, ”Fine Arts“, ”People’s Daily“, ”Wen Wei Po“, ”Ta Kung Pao“ World Journal ”and other domestic and foreign more than 50 kinds of magazines newspapers and magazines for the presentation, more than 10 monographs, VCD“ Chinese flowers and birds painting techniques and appreciation ”2, Taiwan set more than 60. There are many works by domestic and foreign museums, art galleries collection. Paintings by all walks of life praise, won the Ministry of Personnel contemporary Chinese painting outstanding talent award.