
来源 :刊授党校 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:douzixia
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新年之始,我们开设了“访谈录”这一新的栏目。那么,我想采访的第一位便是原省委常委,当了近10年刊授党校校长的尚文同志。刊授党校创办已有16年,16年前与16年后的今天相比、办学情况有了很大的变化。原来办学我们是独一份,抓得早,成绩很大,影响也大。现在,从中央到各省、市的党校都在办函授教育,一些正规大学也办函授,我们的学苗分散了。因此,有些同志对刊授党校的前途产生了疑虑。如何看待这一情况的变化?刊授党校还有生命力吗?这是我采访的主要问题。有没有前途不能笼统地讲,根本的问题是还有没有存在和发展的需要。我们不仅要看到各地办学情况的变化,还应着到学历层次需求和知识经济时代的新形势,以及对干部教育的需求等方面也都发生了变化。这种变化对刊授党校的发展既是挑战,也是机遇。认清新的形势,研究社会的需求,发挥优势,迎接挑战,这是刊授党校的出路所在。优势是什么呢?第一,多年形成的组织网络。现在我们已形成了一个比较完整、很严密的组织网络,这是一个优势,不能轻视。 At the beginning of the new year, we have opened a new section entitled “Interview Record”. Well, the first one I would like to interview is the former Provincial Standing Committee, when Shang nearly 10 years has been awarded the party school principal Shang Wen. The publication of the Party School has been established for 16 years, 16 years ago compared with today 16 years later, the situation has changed a lot. We are the only running school, caught early, great achievements, the impact is also large. At present, the Party schools from the central government to the provinces and cities are all educating their counterparts. Some regular universities also provide correspondences. Our schoolmates are scattered. Therefore, some comrades have raised doubts about the future of the party school. How do we view the changes in this situation? Is there any vitality in the schooling of party schools? This is the main issue that I interviewed. There is no future can not be generalized, the fundamental question is there is no need for existence and development. We must not only see changes in the running of schools throughout the country, but also in the new situation of academic level needs and the era of knowledge-based economy as well as the demand for cadre education. This change is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for the development of the party school. Recognizing the new situation, studying the needs of the community, giving full play to its advantages and meeting the challenges are the outlets for the publication of the party school. What are the advantages? First, the organizational network formed over the years. Now that we have formed a relatively complete and very tight network of organizations, this is an advantage that we can not underestimate.
新中国成立以来,我国各地相继建设形成了一批以矿产资源开采加工为主导产业,远离县市主城区、经济社会功能相对独立的工矿区。  2014年8月,中央出台了《国务院关于近期支持东