
来源 :老同志之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnnyxp
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儿子和媳妇有一个两岁多的儿子,他们俩工作忙,平时鲜有时间照顾家庭。今年过年后,儿媳妇想把孩子直接送到我家,被我一口拒绝了,因为我宁可出钱请保姆,也不想带孙子!儿媳妇是河南人,跟我儿子大学认识的,两人毕业后就在四川结婚,2013年生下孩子。孩子刚生下时,我和亲家一起帮忙照顾了几个月,之后亲家回老家了,媳妇一直要求我们继续帮忙带孩子。我舍得给孙子花钱,我也愿意出钱帮忙找 Son and daughter-in-law have a two-year-old son, both of whom are busy with their work and have little time to take care of their family. After the Chinese New Year this year, my daughter-in-law wanted to send her children directly to my house and was rejected by me because I would rather pay for nannies than my grandchildren. Married in Sichuan, gave birth to children in 2013. When the child had just given birth, I took care of my family and I took care of it for a few months. Afterwards, I went home to my hometown. The wife has been asking us to continue helping children. I am willing to spend money on my grandchildren, I am also willing to pay to help find
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