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国内贸易部商业信息中心会同部内有关司(局)对605种主要商品1995年上半年供求状况进行了分析排队。预计:今年上半年主要商品的市场供求总体可以继续保持基本平衡,大部分工业消费品仍保持供求基本平衡和供过于求的格局,粮、油、肉食和部分重要农产原料供应仍然不足。(一)87种供不应求商品1.糖酒副食:猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、绵白糖、赤砂糖、全脂淡奶粉、甲级卷烟、50度以上名优白酒、名优啤酒、名优黄酒。2.日用百货:名牌家用缝纫机。3.文化用品:铜版纸、书写纸、描图纸、邮封纸、电子打印原纸、黄版纸、箱版纸、静电复印描图纸、静电胶印版纸。4.化工商品:漂白粉。5.化学肥料:硝酸铵、尿素、氯化钾、硫酸钾、磷酸二铵、氮磷复合肥、氮磷钾复合肥。6.化学农药:甲基1605、甲胺磷、呋喃丹、丁草 The relevant departments (bureaus) of the Department of Commerce of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and the Ministry of Internal Affairs queried the supply and demand situation of 605 major commodities in the first half of 1995. It is expected that the supply and demand of major commodities in the first half of this year can continue to maintain a basic balance. Most industrial consumer goods still maintain the basic balance of supply and demand and the pattern of oversupply. Supplies of grain, oil, meat, and some important agricultural raw materials are still insufficient. (1) 87 kinds of non-supply commodities 1. Sugar and alcohol non-staple food: pork, beef, mutton, white sugar, red sugar, whole fat evaporated milk powder, Grade A cigarette, famous white wine above 50 degrees, famous beer, famous rice wine. 2. Daily: brand-name household sewing machine. 3. Stationery: Coated paper, writing paper, tracing paper, postal seal paper, electronic printing base paper, yellow version paper, box paper, electrostatic copy tracing paper, electrostatic offset printing paper. 4. Chemical commodities: bleaching powder. 5. Chemical fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, urea, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, diammonium phosphate, nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer, NPK compound fertilizer. 6. Chemical pesticides: methyl 1605, methamidophos, carbofuran, butylate
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October 4-6Shanghai copper futures ended down onliquidation of long positions.Tradingresumed after the four-day National Dayholiday.The October 1995 contract c