
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whfork
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甘肃兰州,自古就是我国东西部地区进行经济文化交流的重镇。解放前甘肃工农业生产非常落后,商业发展的状况可想而知。新中国成立后,我省各级商业机构相继成立,商业队伍也有了很大的发展。1957年第一个五年计划完成后,兰州市商业从业人员达到1.6万多人,平均每年点供应145人。后来,由于历史的原因,特别是十年动乱时期,商业队伍被打乱,商业管理和规章制度被破坏,商业工作中的大锅饭等弊端越来越严重,一时商品短缺,各种票证满天飞,市场又没有了生气。 Lanzhou, Gansu, has been the center of economic and cultural exchanges between the eastern and western regions of China since ancient times. The liberation of industrial and agricultural production in Gansu was very backward before the liberation, and the state of commercial development can be imagined. After the founding of New China, commercial organizations at all levels in our province were established one after another, and the business team has also developed greatly. After the completion of the first five-year plan in 1957, the number of commercial employees in Lanzhou reached more than 16,000, and the average annual supply was 145. Later, due to historical reasons, especially during the decade of turmoil, commercial teams were disrupted, business management and rules and regulations were destroyed, and the malpractices in commercial work were becoming more and more serious. At one time, goods were in short supply, and all kinds of tickets were flying everywhere. No more anger.
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October 4-6Shanghai copper futures ended down onliquidation of long positions.Tradingresumed after the four-day National Dayholiday.The October 1995 contract c