作者报道 MRI 证实的双侧延髓梗塞1例,男性,71岁,有高血压病史。因右半身轻瘫住院。检查:血压27/15kPa、构音障碍、眼球运动自如。右侧面、舌肌瘫,右半身轻瘫,右侧腱反射稍增强。第5天,右半身轻瘫进行性加重,并发现左半身无力。第9天,双眼球运动障碍,侧向凝视,可见水平眼震。第14天,水平快速扫视和眼球圆滑运动受限。第16天出现垂直眼震。第17天,完全性四肢瘫痪,不久呼
The authors report MRI confirmed bilateral medial infarction in 1 case, male, 71 years old, with a history of hypertension. Due to the right half of paralysis hospitalization. Check: blood pressure 27 / 15kPa, dysarthria, eye movement freely. Right side, tongue muscle paralysis, right hemiparesis, right tendon reflex slightly enhanced. On the fifth day, the right hemiplegia progressed exacerbated and found the left half weak. Day 9, binocular dyskinesia, lateral gaze, visible level of nystagmus. On the 14th day, the level of fast glance and eye smooth movement is limited. Vertical nystagmus appears on the 16th day. Day 17, complete limb paralysis, soon call