
来源 :温州瞭望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunchaoemo
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根据省委和市委的决定,我们要在15年左右的时间里,把温州建设成为一个“文化大市”建设文化大市,就要增强先进文化的凝聚力,解放和发展文化生产力,提高社会公共服务能力,从而增强文化的“软实力”温州建设文化大市,建议实施八项工程,即文明素质工程、文化保护工程、文化促进工程、文化阵地工程,文化传播工程、文化人才工程、文化精品工程和文化研究工程。通过八项工程的实施,争取使温州的教育、科技、文化卫生、体育事业走在全省前列。温州的过去,曾经创造了相当突出的文化成果温州的现在,正在不断地创造着许多新的文化成果然而,离一个真正的文化大市,温州还有相当长的一段路要走,我们还有甚多不足,还有甚多欠缺,还有甚多距离我们的责任,就是加快建设,加快步伐我们走访了一批有识之士,大家就温州的文化大市建设,提出了许多中肯的“建言”经整理,特录于下 According to the decisions of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, we must establish Wenzhou as a “cultural market” and build a cultural market in about 15 years. We must enhance the cohesion of advanced culture, liberate and develop cultural productive forces, and enhance social publicity Service capabilities, thus enhancing the “soft power” of culture Wenzhou build a cultural market, it is proposed to implement eight projects, namely, civilized quality project, cultural protection project, cultural promotion project, cultural position project, cultural transmission project, cultural talent project, cultural quality Engineering and Cultural Studies. Through the implementation of eight projects, strive to make Wenzhou’s education, science and technology, cultural health, sports career in the forefront of the province. Wenzhou’s past has created quite outstanding cultural achievements Wenzhou is constantly creating many new cultural achievements However, there is still a long way to go before Wenzhou, a real cultural market, and we still have Many deficiencies, there are still many shortcomings, there is still much more than our responsibility is to accelerate the pace of construction and speed up We visited a group of people of insight, we all built on the cultural city of Wenzhou, made a lot of pertinent “ Advice ”After finishing, special mention in the next
<正> 我国的侦查监督制度和我国的社会主义民主与社会主义法制建设的状况相同,目前还有许多不够完善和健全之处。有许多环节需要加以改革、完善、建立和健全。
<正> 联合调解是解决涉外经济贸易争议的一种新的调解方式,创始于1977—1979年间。当时中美贸易之间存在两个争议额较大的案件,一是关于棉花迟期交货和拖延派船装运的责任问题的争议,美方当事人提出索赔请求,但双方经过长时间的协商未能达成一致,最后,美方当事人向美国的仲裁协会提出请求,中方当事人向中国的对外经济贸易仲裁委员会提出请求,两国的仲裁机构根据双方的请求各指定一人作调解员,联合进行调解。最后,双方都满意地接受调解意见。通过联合调解,中美两国仲裁机构还成功地
大四时,自己总爱哭,常使结感到手足无措,莫名其妙。结只道是临近毕业,前路未卜再加上离愁别绪让人变得喜怒无常,可女孩子的心原本有多么细微多么敏感,结又能了解多少呢? 有
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