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美国中小学通过开设品德教育课、社会科和公民学三门课程实施德育教育,其目的在于帮助学生塑造优秀品格、提升民主参与技能、培养世界公民意识,使学生最终成为合格的美国公民。本文通过考察美国教育法规以及相关学科课程标准,选取品德教育课、社会科与公民学三门课程有关教材,从宏观与微观两个层面对美国中小学学校德育教材特点进行简要分析。就宏观层面而言,美国暂无统一的德育大纲与课程标准,各州可自行编订与选择合适的教材;就微观层面而言,美国中小学德育教材在体制编排上注重知识的层次性、系统性与生活性,在内容选择上注重培养学生的批判性思维、激发学生参与热情、倡导学生掌握综合知识、引导学生关注社区发展。 The primary and secondary schools in the United States implement moral education through three courses: Moral Education, Social Studies and Civics. Their purpose is to help students shape good character, enhance their democratic participation skills, cultivate a sense of world citizenship and eventually make them qualified Americans. This article examines the American education laws and regulations as well as the relevant subject curriculum standards, selects the related textbooks of moral education, social studies and civics and makes a brief analysis of the features of moral education textbooks in primary and secondary schools in the United States from the macro and micro levels. At the macro level, the United States does not yet have a unified moral education curriculum and curriculum standards, and states can make and select suitable teaching materials on their own. At the micro level, the moral education textbooks of primary and secondary schools in the United States pay attention to the hierarchy of knowledge and systematicness And liveliness, focus on cultivating students’ critical thinking in content selection, inspire students to participate in enthusiasm, advocate students to master comprehensive knowledge and guide students to focus on community development.
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