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为迎接中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会的胜利召开,由吉林省美术家协会主办的《吉林省女画家作品展览》经过一年多的筹备,于2002年10月28日至11月1日在长春展出。吉林省委、省政府、省文联、省文化厅有关领导出席了开幕式,吉林省委宣传部副部长、吉林省美协主席易洪斌,吉林省委宣传部副部长吕钦文分别在开幕式上祝辞。这是吉林省的女画家们为迎接党的十六大献上的一份厚礼。 In order to meet the victory of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “Jilin Province Female Painter Works Exhibition”, sponsored by the Jilin Artists Association, has been in preparation for more than a year. From October 28 to November 1, 2002 Exhibited in Changchun. Jilin Province, the provincial government, the provincial Federation of Culture, the provincial Department of Culture leaders attended the opening ceremony, Jilin Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Vice Minister, Jilin Province, American Association Chairman Yi Hongbin, Jilin Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Vice Minister Lu Qinwen respectively at the opening ceremony Greetings. This is a great gift from the female painters in Jilin Province to meet the 16th CPC National Congress.
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