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1994年4月25日,这是马钢十万职工和家属终生难忘的日子。规模巨大、气势恢宏、凝聚着数万名建设者们辛劳与智慧的马钢2500立方米大高炉点火送风,这昭示着马钢的发展已豪迈地跨进了一个新的发展时期所有马钢人沸腾的激情,均在这一刻里如奔流的铁水般无法遏止地在胸中汹涌起来……一、久远的夙愿马钢是全国九个特大型钢铁联合企业之一,位于长江南岸的中下游地区,交通发达,资源丰富。经40年的发展,已拥有从矿山采选到冶炼轧制、焦化耐火、机械制造、科研设计、工程建设等一整套设施,具有年产200万吨钢铁的生产能力,在安徽省乃至整个华东地区的经济建设中有着举足轻重的地位。然而,一个没有后劲的企业是一个缺乏实力的企业,一个没有速度的企业,同样是没有前途的企业。马钢的决 On April 25, 1994, this is the unforgettable day for Maanshan Iron and Steel 100,000 employees and their families. Large-scale, magnificent, condensing tens of thousands of builders who worked hard and wisdom of the 2500 cubic meters blast furnace blast blast, which indicates that the development of Ma Steel has entered a new stage of development heroic Ma Steel People passionate boiling in this moment, such as the rushing stream of molten iron can not stop in the thrashing ... ... a long time’s wish Magang is one of the nine large iron and steel enterprises in the Yangtze River south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the region Traffic developed, rich in resources. After 40 years of development, it has possessed a complete set of facilities ranging from mining and dressing to smelting and rolling, coking and refractory, machinery manufacturing, scientific research and design, engineering construction and so on. With an annual output of 2 million tons of steel, The economic development in the region plays a decisive role. However, a business without stamina is a lack of strength of the enterprise, a speed of the enterprise, the same is not promising business. Masteel’s decision
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