
来源 :安徽卫生职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizdy
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9月19日上午,淮北市卫计委、爱卫办工作检查组来到淮北卫校,检查指导该校省级卫生先进单位创建工作。检查组在听取了学校省级卫生先进单位创建情况介绍后,分别从创建工作的组织领导机制、创建氛围营造和资金投入保障三方面进行了检查指导,查阅了近三年来的卫生创建资料和卫生台帐,并深入体育场、学生公寓、食堂等重要场所实地查看卫生状况,对不足之处提出了指导性意见和建议。多年来,淮北卫校高度重视卫生创建工作,在组织领 On the morning of September 19, the inspection team of Huaibei City Health Planning Commission and Aiwei Office came to Huaibei Health School to check and guide the creation of provincial-level health advanced units. After hearing the briefing on the creation of advanced units of health at the provincial level, the inspection team inspected and guided the establishment of the organizational leadership mechanism, the creation of an atmosphere and the guarantee of capital investment respectively, and consulted the health-creating materials and hygiene in the past three years Taiwan accounts, and in-depth stadiums, student apartments, canteens and other important places on the ground to check the health status of the deficiencies put forward the guidance and suggestions. Over the years, Huaibei Health School attaches great importance to the creation of health work, in the organization collar
模拟高原局部EEG的改变[英]/Qzaki-H……/Eleclroencephalogr-clin-Neurophyscol.1995,uey,94(5).349~56。本文研究了模拟高原条件下(低气压)个体多道EEG,通过16个放在头部的电极同时纪... Simulation of local EEG changes [English] / Qzaki-H ...... / Elec
目的探讨 c-myc 小干扰 RNA 对急性粒细胞白血病细胞株 HL-60增殖、凋亡、基因、蛋白表达的影响。方法利用 T7 RNA 聚合酶和双链 DNA 模板采取体外转录法合成小干扰 RNA。合
1.Introduction Most metallic mineral deposits formed from hydrothermal fluids,and the mineralization processes include both chemical (e.g.,fluid-rock and fluid-
对50例临床上既象麻疹又似风疹的患儿,应用“捕获”酶免疫方法测定风疹特异IgM与麻疹特异IgM,同时用ELISA间接法测早期与晚期麻疹IgG,结果32例确诊为麻疹,3例为风疹。 Fifty cases of both clinical